Chapter 9

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Chapter 9:

Corey's Point of View:

"Should we continue on with reading this?" Stef asked as she mindlessly sifted through the pages of the report; she had been browsing the first eighteen pages but not actually reading them.

"I dunno; do you want to?" I said back, just watching what she was doing. "We didn't even get to the first page really."

"Did you return the notebook to Ashley?"

I shook my head shamefully; it was sitting on my desk under a few other books in case someone came into the room and found it.

"I'll do it tomorrow when I see him," I said. "Oh also, Matt said he was gonna get us passes so we can hang around all day for the concert."

"For reals?" Stef exclaimed, making me nod and smile. "That's awesome!"

I just smiled back as she put the eighteen pages down, getting off my bed and going to my desk to get the pages we'd segregated from the rest of them so we knew which ones were the ones we were going to read.

"You read anything from that notebook yet?" she asked as she came back over, sitting down with me. "Or are you gonna keep to your word and not read it?"

I shrugged. "I want to know what's in it, but I also don't. It's not my business but I kinda wanna know what was written, seeing as it's actually Andy's words and not someone else like this report; we still don't really know who he was."

Stef looked at me for a bit; it looked like she was trying to decide on something.

"Well," she began, shifting her position. "Did we want to leave this report for a bit and have a look at the notebook instead?"

"You sure that's a good idea?" I asked, starting to feel a bit unsure now; I knew taking the notebook had been wrong and my curiosity had gotten the better of me. "I only really took it to start because I panicked when I heard Ashley coming back; he'd knocked it off the desk and I saw the name which led to me looking to see if he had any students with that name from the list on his desk and he didn't which made me wonder why he had someone else's notebook on his desk when he said he wouldn't read mine. Why would it be there?"

Stef just looked at me, no amusement on her face.

"We gonna read it or not?"

I sighed, reluctantly nodding. Stef grabbed the entire report, getting off the bed and placing the pages on my desk before grabbing the notebook and coming back over; this was wrong and now here we were, about to delve into something we shouldn't've been doing.

Stef sat down next to me, holding the notebook out to me. I looked at her which just made her indicate for me to take it and open it.

"You grabbed it, you hold it," she said as I reluctantly took the book from her.

"Fine; but we're not reading the whole thing, got it?" I said, opening to the very first page and hating the fact that I did so. "Here we go then."

This Book Belongs To: Andy Biersack


-10 Years Prior-

Andy's Point of View:

I just shook my head as I stared at the blank page, pen in hand. What was I even doing? What was the damn point? Why had I even left the house to go out and buy this stupid notebook?

It was stupid and I didn't know why I was even thinking about writing anything.

I sighed, resting my head on my hand as I continued to stare at the white page, tapping my pen on my desk. How was I meant to start? What was I meant to write? Why had I thought this was a good idea?

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now