Chapter 32

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Chapter 32:

-6 Years Prior-

Matt's Point of View:

I sighed as I walked down the stairs, hearing the endless knocking on the front door.

"Jesus, give me second," I called, only halfway down the stairs as the knocking became more urgent; I frowned, wondering who it could be. It was only about quarter past ten at the latest, but it was unusual to have people around at this time. "Alright, hang on."

I reached the end of the stairs, going over to the front door and unlocking it. I opened the door and came to a very dead stop as I saw Juliet on the other side, the tears running down her face non-stop.

"Juliet, what's happened?"

Upon me saying that, Juliet shook her head, trying to speak but having a lot of trouble. It took her a minute or so, but she managed to say what was going on and why she was here.

"He's gone Matt; he's gone and I don't know what to do and I didn't know where to go and he's gone. Andy's dead."

Before I could say anything, she collapsed in hysterics, the tears running down her face. I quickly grabbed her so that she didn't hurt herself, sitting with her in the doorway as she held onto me, unable to stop crying.

"Amy!" I called urgently, hoping my sister was able to hear me from wherever the hell she was in the house; most likely in her room with Brian. "Amy!"

I heard the door to her room open.

"What?" she called back.

"Can you come here please?" I called, not really able to go anywhere at the moment and not planning on it as Juliet stayed against me, both of us still sitting on the floor in the doorway. "Like, now?"

I heard her sigh, saying something to Brian before she came down the stairs; I was sure Brian was following her.

"What is it Matt?" Amy said as I looked over my shoulder at her. She came to a complete halt as she saw what was going on, Brian stopping just off to her side. "Oh my God; what's happened?"

"Can you go and get a blanket or something?" I asked her, Amy nodding and heading off.

I indicated for Brian to come over; he did as asked, kneeling down with us in the doorway.

"What's happened?" Brian asked quietly, looking to me as Juliet kept her face buried in my chest.

"Andy's dead," I said, my voice down; I didn't really want Juliet upset any more than she already was. "She didn't know where to go so she came over here; she didn't know what to do."

Brian gave a solemn nod as Amy came back.

"Living room for this?" she asked, indicating to the blanket she had with her.

I gave a nod and she disappeared into the living room as Brian shifted his position.

"Juliet," he said, Juliet shaking her head as she held onto me a bit tighter. "Sweetheart, we're gonna have to move you from the doorway, ok? I know you're upset and something bad has happened, but you can't stay in the doorway all night. I know I sound very inconsiderate, but we need to move you."

Juliet gave a nod this time, her face still buried in my chest. Brian looked to me as he got to his feet. He carefully helped Juliet up off the floor and out of the doorway, allowing me to get up; she hung onto Brian as I shut and locked the front door, Amy watching us with worry from the living room doorway.

Brian moved, Juliet still hanging onto him and allowing him to guide her into the living room at a slow pace; Amy looked at me with worry on her face as Brian and Juliet went into the living room.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now