Chapter 2

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Chapter 2:

-6 Years Later- Present -

"You free for lunch today?" Juliet asked from the other end of the line as I heard a soft, unsure knock on the door to my office.

"Ah, I might be," I said as I glanced over at the door as it opened a slight bit, someone looking in. "What's the time now?"

"Nearly eleven."

I indicated for the student at the door to come in as I looked at my day planner; since it was nearly eleven, that meant that this could well be Corey. He was scheduled for now.

"I guess it kinda depends on what time you were thinking of," I said, continuing on with my conversation with Juliet as Corey sat down on one of the chairs on the opposite side of my desk. "'Cause I've got someone at the moment but by the looks of it I'm free from about twelve 'til around quarter to one; I know that's only like, forty-five-ish minutes though."

"Alright Ash; we can always do lunch another time," Juliet said as I saw Corey shift uncomfortably as he looked around; an unsure look on his face.

"C'mon, now you're making me feel bad," I sighed, glancing at Corey again. "Look, how 'bout we skip lunch today and I just relieve you of cooking tonight; I'll do it instead to save you the hassle."

I heard Juliet laugh from the other end of the line, causing me to smile a bit; I quickly indicated to Corey that I'd be with him in just a moment.

"Ok; fine," Juliet said. "As long as it's edible."

"It's a deal then," I laughed, hearing her laugh again. "Alright, I've gotta go; I'll see you when I get home."

"Alright Ashley; I'll see you then. Have a good day, ok?"


Juliet hung up and I sighed, putting my phone face down on my desk; she knew to call my cell instead of my work number, unless I didn't answer. I looked to Corey who returned my gaze for a few seconds, looking a bit unsure and uncomfortable.

"Sorry 'bout that," I apologised, Corey just shrugging and remaining with his gaze down. "Didn't mean to keep you waiting; I'm Ashley."

I reached across the desk, extending my hand in a non-threatening, friendly manner. He took my hand, shaking it in greeting while avoiding my gaze.

"Corey," he mumbled.

I gave a nod and brief smile as I sat back, looking at him as he linked his fingers together, looking a bit nervous; I understood why though. Everyone got like that when first meeting with the school councillor, especially me.

"Ah, so," I began, looking at the note I'd been given by one of the teachers who'd sent him down to see me; sometimes I wondered how I'd even managed to get this far in psychology. "Your P.E. teacher sent you here to see me; you know why?"

Corey shrugged, staying quiet; it was sad to see in a way. I looked up and looked him over briefly.

"Listen Corey, I get that 'cha probably don't wanna be here; sometimes even I don't wanna be here," I continued, leaning my head on my hand as I looked at him. "And I know there're a lotta people that still don't want me here either."

Corey looked to me, a bit of a frown on his face. I stayed quiet as he looked me over slowly, clearly taking in my features; it was probably the first time he'd actually looked at me for longer than a few seconds.

I hadn't changed much in the past six years, but this was the first time I'd met Corey; he hadn't known me six years ago.

My hair was still the same; still dyed black and sitting just below my shoulders. It wasn't dead straight like I normally had it, but it was still pretty straight; I just hadn't had time this morning. I'd even had to do my eyeliner as soon as I'd gotten in this morning. It'd just been one of those mornings that'd gone by too fast, leaving me with no time for anything; I was normally on top of it all, but I was a bit off today.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now