Chapter 56

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Chapter 56:

-6 Years Prior-

Andy's Point of View:

"So you gonna be ok?" Vic asked as we stood outside the café, everyone having decided that it was getting late enough that we should leave and go home; we had an early start at school tomorrow.

Well, they did.

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I lied, putting my hands in the pockets of my jacket, Vic seeming to notice the movement. "Just been a bit of a rough patch this week, but I'm sure I'll pull through it and it's only gonna be up from here. All I can really ask for."

Vic attempted a smile, and for a few seconds I was worried that he'd seen right through my lie; through the façade.

"Well look, if you need someone else to talk to, besides Ashley, you call me, alright?" he said, that attempted smile still there.

I nodded. "Sure Vic."

"I just ah..." he began, looking past me and seeing everyone else talking and waiting for someone to finally leave. Vic looked back to me. "I just wanna know that you're not gonna...y'know..."

I shook my head slowly. "I don't think I'm following."

Vic sighed, grabbing my arm and pulling me a bit further away from the others, though I was sure they were too occupied with their own conversations to worry about the one Vic and I were currently having. Vic let go of my arm and made sure the others weren't listening in before he spoke again.

"I wanna make sure you're not by yourself for the next few weeks, ok?" he said, a frown appearing on my face. "I want you to promise me that you're gonna ride this out. I wantcha to promise me that I'll see you at school tomorrow, and the next day and the next. I wantcha to promise me that you're gonna make it to the end of school and you're gonna be there to graduate with all of us. Ashley won't ever be the same if you kill yourself Andy."

I stood there, a bit caught off guard at his words.

"Vic I-."

"Just promise me," Vic interrupted. "Swear on it; tell me I'll see you tomorrow."

"You'll see me tomorrow," I said, Vic looking at me sadly. "I promise."

Vic gave a nod, though I was sure that he wasn't convinced by my promise.

"Please don't break that promise Andy."

"I won't," I said, Vic giving a bit of a nod again. "Vic I...I really just wanna thank you for this; for the help. All the support and just everything you've done for me. You've been such a good friend to me the entire time since I first met you guys and you've no idea how much that really means to me. I just really wanted you to know that I appreciate everything because I don't think I've told you before and now seems to be the right time since you're trying to help me now."

Vic's face lit up with a smile, a slight sad smile on my face.

"It's all good Andy!" he said, seeming to have forgotten about that conversation moments before. "I'm always around to help you; give you advice and anything you need. I'll always be around and there for you whenever you need it, so just pick up the phone and call. You're one of my best friends and I'm glad we know each other."

"Likewise," I said, Vic still smiling.

"So you staying at Ashley's place tonight?" Vic asked, making me nod.

"Uh, yeah," I once again lied. "My parents won't be home until late tonight; dad's work has some dinner or something, so I thought I'd stay with Ash and see how it all goes from there."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now