Chapter 19

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Chapter 19:

-6 Years Prior-

Mike's Point of View:

"Mike, can you go and get your brother? Dinner's ready," mom said as she finished up with what she was doing.

I gave a nod, grabbing my maths books and heading out of the kitchen, going up the stairs and to my room. I came to a stop, seeing Scamp lying outside Vic's room; a frown crossed my face. It wasn't every often that his dog wasn't in his room, but the door was closed and he clearly couldn't get in. It looked like he wanted to.

Vic must have not realised that Scamp was outside his room; he'd probably been in the living room or something.

I switched my bedroom light on and went in, placing my books down on my desk, checking my phone as I mindlessly wandered out of my room, leaving the light on and going down the hallway to Vic's room. Scamp looked up upon seeing me come to a stop outside the closed door.

"Vic, dinner's ready," I called, messaging Jinxx back; Ashley still wasn't doing too good by the sounds of it. There was no response. "Vic, dinner's ready."

Still no answer. I frowned and looked up from my phone, putting it away and ignoring it as it went off with a new message. I looked down at Scamp who just lowered his head onto his paws, still facing Vic's closed bedroom door.

"Vic? You hear me or have you got your music too loud?" I called, knocking on the door this time; I could hear his music going but he should've been able to hear me. "Vic, man you hear me? Dinner's ready."

Once again there was no answer; looked like he couldn't hear me.

"Whatever; your loss."

I headed back down the hallway, Scamp getting up and dashing after me. If Vic didn't want to come down for dinner it was his own business; he was old enough to get himself downstairs on time and if he had his music too loud then he could deal with it himself when mom got mad.

"Vic coming down for dinner?" mom asked as she went about serving the food onto plates, dad looking through the mail as he sat at the table and Scamp laid down next to the chair Vic usually sat at.

"I dunno," I said, sitting down on my usual chair, Scamp watching me. "He didn't answer me; probably couldn't hear me over his music."

Mom sighed. "Michael, go get your brother."

I groaned, pushing my chair back and going back to the staircase. I trudged up it one step at a time, going down the hallway to Vic's room once again. I lazily knocked on his door again, just wanting food; if Vic couldn't hear me then it was his own fault if he missed dinner.

"Viiiiiiiic," I tried, carelessly leaning my head on the door as I lazily knocked again. "Uh Vic; mom wants you down for dinner. C'mon stop ignoring me and come get food or else I'll get in trouble for not getting you downstairs."

No answer.

"For fuck sake; Vic, c'mon stop being an asshole and answer me," I said, starting to get annoyed; his music was still going. "Vic, Vic, Vic, Vic, Vic, Vic; uh c'mon man. Don't make me come in there Victor."

This was stupid.

When I got no answer once more, I sighed and opened the door, going in. He wasn't in his room, but his computer was still on with his music still going; his bathroom door was shut and I could hear the shower going.

"Vic, yo you in there?" I asked, knocking on the bathroom door. "Dinner's ready and mom's getting annoyed you're not there."

"Yeah," was the muffled response I got back.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now