Chapter 38

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Chapter 38:

Ashley's Point of View:

Brian looked up from his phone as Corey and I came to a halt at the table he'd been sitting at; Michelle and Valary were both with him, off in their own world of conversation which was most likely why he'd been on his phone.

"Ashley, hey," Brian said, pushing his chair back and getting to his feet, getting the attention of the other two. "You're a bit late."

"Sorry; Matt was a bit late to my place to keep Juliet company so we left a few minutes late," I apologised, Brian nodding in understanding.

Valary looked to me.

"Ashley," she said, making me look to her. "Matt talked to me this morning about staying with Juliet while you're gone and seeing as you're here at the moment I thought I'd let you know that I'm totally fine with helping you out and staying with her."

"Thank you; you've no idea how much I appreciate it," I said back, Valary giving me a smile.

Brian looked to me.

"Alright, well we should get this shit done," he said, making me nod. He looked to Michelle and Valary. "I'll see you two in a couple hours; meet back here at about six and don't go spending all my money."

"Same goes for you handsome!" Michelle called after us as we headed off, Brian shaking his head.

"I'll be spending more than her and she knows it," he said, giving me a smile. He looked to Corey. "Afternoon Corey; sorry I didn't greet you earlier on."

Corey gave a shrug, smiling at him.

"So where to first?" I asked, just following Brian as he avoided a group of people.

"There's a shop down the other end here that I used to buy stuff from," he said as we walked. "They have some pretty good guitars and basses; Jimmy was the first one to show me the place when he was getting bits and pieces for his drumkit so they know me in there quite well."

I just gave a nod as he led me through another group of people, the store just up ahead.

"I don't think I've ever been in here," I said as Brian led me into the store, a few people looking around.

"Where'd you get the bass you have now?" Brian asked as we headed over to the right area; he knew where he was going and I was just following.

"No idea; mom bought it for me when I was like, ten."

Brian gave a nod of understanding as we came to a halt; of course the basses were close by the guitars.

"Alright, so just start by having a look around and if anything catches your eye you let me know and we can give it a try," he said, making me nod. "I'm gonna have a quick browse over at the guitars, so let me know if you find anything and we'll get someone over to help us out."

"You're not gonna go buying stuff you don't need, are you?" I asked.

"What? No," Brian scoffed, crossing his arms and making Corey smile in amusement. "We're here for you, not me. I just wanna have a look in case I need to come back in one day and get something."

"Thought you were in here all the time," I said with amusement.

"I am, but that's usually when Jimmy's with me because he manages to stop me buying shit," Brian said in his defence. "Shit, that reminds me; don't let me leave this store without a new crash cymbal for Jimmy. He needs another one."

"Another one or a new one?" Corey asked, making Brian look to him.

"Another one."

Corey just gave a nod before shrugging at me. Brian gave me a smile and headed over to the guitars, making me shake my head; he wasn't far from where I was but it was far enough that he would probably buy something before I'd even decided on a bass.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now