Chapter 36

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Chapter 36:

-6 Years Prior-

Matt's Point of View:

The chatter quietened down as I walked into the room, automatically taking my seat up the back of the classroom. A few people shifted uncomfortably and turned their attention towards the front of the room, no-one saying another word.

It'd been like this all morning since I'd walked into school; everyone had stopped their conversations and had just watched as I'd gone by, not saying anything until they thought I was out of range. It was only first period, so I had the whole day ahead of me; it was going to be a very long day.

I never liked Tuesdays anyway.

I just got my stuff out, carelessly putting it on the desk as a few people looked over at me, once again not saying anything. I sighed, already sick of what they were doing; that silence judgement wasn't going to leave anytime soon.

"Y'know what?" I spoke up, knowing that this was the only thing I could do to try and get them to quit it; I knew it wouldn't do much but it was worth a try. Everyone looked to me. "If you have something to say, just say it because man I have all fucking day."

No-one spoke up as I looked around at everyone, waiting for someone to step up and say something at least. No-one said anything though, letting that silent judgement continue.

"That's what I fucking thought; mind your own fucking business and leave me alone."

I turned my attention back to my notebook in front of me, everyone still looking at where I was sitting up the back of the room. I sighed, looking back up and looking around the room.

"Really? No-one has anything they wanna say to me?" I asked bitterly, a few people looking away. "You're all gonna just sit there and stare at me without saying anything. For the love of God, someone say something or quit staring at me."

"You're a fucking murderer," someone finally spoke up, making everyone look over to who it was; I didn't know his name. "You made Andy kill himself."

"Murderer? Are you fucking serious? What, did I go over to his place and kill him? There's a big fucking difference between a murder and a suicide."

"You may not have physically done it but you fucking pushed him to do it mentally," someone else spoke up, making me look over to them. "You're unbelievable Matt."

"Like any of you fucking care," I snapped, shutting my notebook; I didn't feel like dealing with this shit today. "None of you even gave a fuck about Andy so why're you all suddenly turning on me, making me out to be the bad guy? I didn't kill him. If I'm a damn murderer then all of you are too; you all pushed him as well."

"You pushed him more; forced him to do it," someone said, making me sigh; I somehow doubted this would end any time soon. "You're a disgrace."

"So what, your plan is to make me feel like shit about what's happened? Like I already don't?" I asked, looking around at them all. "You're all just gonna sit there and call me hurtful things? You're gonna push me like you all did to Andy? You're all part of the reason he's dead."

"We all would've preferred it to be you," someone said harshly.

I shook my head.

"You know you're all doing to me right now what you did to Andy," I said, a few people looking around. "And no matter what you motherfuckers all think, it's not my fault."

I grabbed my notebook and pen, putting them in my bag before getting up and walking out, not about to put up with any more of this. I passed the teacher in the doorway, ignoring it as he called me back in; I didn't feel like learning this morning.

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now