Chapter 40

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Chapter 40:

Ashley's Point of View:

"I really need to get going Brian; it's nearly half-past eleven."

Brian checked the time on his phone, seeing that I was right.

"Jesus, didn't realise it was so late," he said. He put his phone away, getting up and putting his guitar back with a couple of his other ones. "Sorry for keeping you so late man; at least we got a lot done."

I nodded, standing up and looking to Corey who had been watching us occasionally in between reading through some stuff Brian had handed to him to keep him occupied.

"Just give me a call when you wanna finish this off," Brian said, making me nod again as Corey got to his feet, placing the stuff he'd been reading down on the chair. "On Monday we'll do an entire run through and Tuesday will be the day so we probably won't have time to do a practice run."

"Alright," I said. "If I don't have anything tomorrow then I'll give you a call, otherwise we'll settle for Thursday afternoon."

Brian nodded. "I'll try come around at about five?"

"That'll be fine; thanks."

"Any time," Brian said with a smile. "I should let you guys get outta here; Juliet's probably slaughtered Matt by now. He's been there nearly nine hours."

"Fuck, I forgot he was there," I sighed, running my hands down my face. "Hope he's still there."

"I'm sure he will be; now get going before you waste any more time."

Brian walked past me, opening the door and going out. I made sure I had everything, following him out with Corey in tow. Brian was waiting at the front door and he gave me a smile as he opened it for us.

"I'll see you in a couple days," he said as Corey went out first.

"Thanks for helping with all of this Brian," I said, standing just outside the door as he stood in the doorway. "There's no way I would've been able to get through all of this if you weren't helping me out."

Brian shrugged. "You asked for the help and so I provided it Ashley."

I nodded, giving him a brief smile before heading to the car where Corey was waiting. Brian shut the front door, the front light going off a few seconds later. I handed my bass to Corey who took it as I unlocked the car.

"We'll take them out tomorrow," I said, Corey nodding as he put it on the back seat and shut the car door. "It's too late now and I dunno where I'm gonna put them for a few days."

Corey gave another nod as he got in the passenger's side.

"I'm sure you'll figure something out."

"I'm gonna have to; I can't leave them in the car for a week," I said as I started the car, Corey smiling in amusement. "Anyway, we'll worry about that tomorrow. Right now, let's just get home and see what's going on there."

There was no talk as usual as we drove back to my place; I was hoping that everything was ok. Matt hadn't called me, so I was under the impression that everything was normal and still alright back at home. If something had happened and I hadn't been called I was going to be rather mad.

After a bit of a drive, we stopped outside the house, Corey getting out as I switched the car off.

"Door's probably locked; it's late," I said as I got out, shutting the door and locking the car as Corey stopped.

He watched as I grabbed my house keys and went up to the front door; I tried the handle but found that it was definitely locked. I unlocked it, pushing the door open and allowing Corey to go inside first. I went in after him, shutting and relocking the door; only the kitchen light was currently on, meaning that Juliet was most likely in bed.

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