Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

-10 Years Later- Present -

Ashley's Point of View:

"That's the problem, isn't it?" I said, looking through the pages and pages of things Matt had given me earlier on in the day, Juliet watching what I was doing. "He told me that he'd put the songs in with it all so I can hear what they sound like and everything, but there're a few that aren't on either of these CDs."

"Well which ones aren't there?" Juliet asked, sliding the two CDs across to herself on the other side of the table as I grabbed the setlist Matt had nicely included.

"If you can find them, then I'll stand corrected," I said, Juliet waiting for me to tell her which songs were missing; I looked at the list. "I couldn't find either Beast and the Harlot or Bat Country. If they're there, tell me, because I couldn't find them for the life of me."

I put the page down, watching as Juliet looked at the songs listed on the back of the CDs, a frown appearing not long after; looked like I hadn't missed seeing the names.

"Maybe they haven't released the songs yet," she suggested, handing the CDs back as Crow decided it was a good idea to jump up onto the table, clearly after food since it was around that time. "Aren't they working on their third album?"

I gave a nod as Crow wandered over to me, trying to get my attention as I went back to looking at the sheets of paper; there didn't seem to be any order to them currently and that was mostly my fault.

"I'll give Matt a call and see if he can help me out," I sighed. "He said to call if there were any problems."

Juliet gave a nod in agreement, pushing her chair back and getting up; she grabbed Crow off the table, hearing a meow of protest as she placed him down on the floor.

"I'm sure Matt will be able to help you out," Juliet said as she went about whatever she was doing in the kitchen, most likely getting food for the cats before she cooked anything for us; the usual routine. "He's always willing to help out Ash."

"Yeah I know; just hope he'll pick up the damn phone."

"Just give Brian a call if Matt doesn't answer."

I gave a nod, grabbing my phone from where it was next to me on the table; I grabbed the piece of paper with Matt and Brian's numbers off the table, seeing that Matt had a new number which was most likely why he'd included it.

I updated his contact number before dialling it to see if I could get his help and an explanation on why the songs weren't here. It was only the two of them, but they were on the setlist, so clearly I needed to know how to play them or else they wouldn't've been included. Matt always had a reason to do things.

When the phone went to voicemail, I sighed, hanging up and looking at Brian's number; hopefully he was more reliable than Matt was at this time of night; it was only roughly six o'clock so hopefully I'd get a response from Brian.

I added his number into my phone before dialling it, really hoping he was available.


"Brian, hey; it's Ashley," I said, relieved that he'd picked up.

"Oh, hey," Brian said with a bit of surprise from the other end of the line; I could hear someone in the background. "What's up? How're you finding everything Matt's given you? Not too complicated I'd hope."

"That's what I needed to talk to you about," I said. "I was looking over the setlist, and there're two songs listed on it that I don't have. I've got the chords and everything, but I don't have the physical song so I know what I'm playing; they're not on either of the CDs."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now