Chapter 47

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Chapter 47:

"We wanna announce them tomorrow at about eleven-twelve o'clock," Matt said, Zacky giving a nod as I walked over to them. "You run the page so you can figure out what to say; don't announce it until around then."

Zacky gave another nod before heading off to do something else; Matt looked to me.

"Hey," he said; he was still sounding stressed and rather drained. "Think you've got it all worked out? Not gonna have any problems tomorrow are we?"

I shook my head. "No problems; all set."

"Good, good," Matt said. "Alright, well you're free to head out for the day if you wanna. I'll be here for about another hour or so; make sure everything's gonna be ok for tomorrow."

"You sound like you really need to take a breather and maybe sit down for a bit," I said, Matt shrugging.

"It's fine; just got a lot happening right now is all," he sighed, making me nod. "I'm just hoping that everything goes ok tomorrow; fuck I don't want anything fucking this up for us."

"What would go wrong?" I asked with a frown.

"You never know Ashley; never know what could happen," he said, readjusting his snapback. "Just gotta be prepared for something to happen; most times it's fine but there's always that one time that something might mess it all up."

"Well I'm sure everything will be fine; don't stress yourself out too much Matt," I said, Matt giving a nod. "Call me if there's anything you need help with."

"I'll be fine Ashley; no need to worry about me."

"Well I dunno if that statement is really true Matt," I said, Matt rolling his eyes. "No, I'm serious; I don't wanna bring this up again, but you're clearly still not one-hundred percent."

"If you didn't wanna bring it up again then why did you?" Matt asked seriously. "Ashley, I get it; you're concerned. I don't wanna talk about it, so give it a rest; I'm not gonna tell you what I did."

"What you did?"

I saw as Matt realised he'd slipped up with his words.

"I said what happened," he tried, already knowing I'd heard what he'd said.

"Matt, stop avoiding this shit; you said what I did so you've kinda just told me you did something. You didn't say what happened," I said, Matt looking away from me. "You know you can tell me what actually did happen; you don't have to keep everything a secret. Sometimes it's better to talk about this kinda stuff y'know."

"I'd rather not if that's ok Ashley," he said, a bit of sadness in his tone as he finally looked back to me. "It's just...very personal, alright? I'd rather not say anything because it doesn't matter anymore; it never mattered to begin with, so it matters even less now. I don't wanna talk about it so please don't bring it up again. I'll see you tomorrow."

He walked off without another word, making me sigh.


Corey looked up as he saw me stop at my office door. He scrambled to his feet, making me glance at him as I unlocked the door; it was just before midday.

"Y'know this' the last day you'll get to hang around my office door," I stated as I opened the door and went in, Corey following and leaving the door ajar.

"Yeah I know," he sighed, sitting down on his usual chair as I sat down at my desk. "I didn't know what time you'd be in today."

"Was busy this morning but I'm here now," I said, Corey nodding. "How's everything with your uncle?"

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now