Chapter 31

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Chapter 31:

I looked over, seeing Matt standing in the doorway; I hadn't bothered closing the door to my office this morning. I honestly couldn't be bothered today and had no motivation to do anything, but I still had to work.

"Come to check on me again Matt?"

Matt shrugged, looking around my office. I didn't have anyone in at the moment.

"How'd everything go with Corey and Stef over the weekend?" he asked, looking to me as he put his hands in his pockets and leant against the doorframe. "Any news?"

"Juliet went down there yesterday; where she went when you came by," I said, Matt nodding but not moving from where he was in the doorway. "She said she was talking to them and they've been trying to get a hold of their grandparents or someone in the immediate family but haven't had much luck."

"So they're gonna basically remove them from their home?"

I shrugged. "More or less; that's what it sounds like."

Matt gave a nod and I stopped what I was doing, looking to him; there was clearly another reason that he was here and I was just waiting for him to say what it was.

"So I heard that Brian's taking you bass shopping," he said, still avoiding the real reason he was here. "This true?"

"Yes," I said, Matt nodding. "Because he was rather appalled that I only own one bass and he said that's not good enough and he forced me into it. He wouldn't take no as an answer."

"Brian knows what he's talking about, don't you worry. He might be a guitarist, but he knows a thing or two about the bass."

"So why'd you stop by?" I asked, seeing that he was making every excuse not to say the reason he was here. "You don't just stop by without a reason Matt; you don't stop by to just chat."

"You know me too well," Matt said. "I'm actually here to see Corey and his friend...Miranda, I think her name is. Brian mentioned her."

I frowned, leaning back in my chair as I looked at him.

"Why're you after them?" I asked, Matt looking at me.

"I have my reasons that you're not about to know," Matt said stubbornly, shifting and crossing his arms, still leaning against the doorframe. "So think I could have a bit of a chat with them?"

"They'd both be in class at the moment; I don't see either of them today," I said, looking at the time. "I assume you're not about to leave me in peace to do my work until I go and get them for you?"

"You'd assume correct."

I sighed, pushing my chair back and grabbing my phone and keys off my desk. I indicated for him to follow me as I headed out, Matt leaving as well. I locked the door and headed off down to the front office, needing to know which class they were in so I knew where I was going.

"You ever plan on telling me why you wanna talk to them?" I asked as we walked into the office.


I shook my head, indicating for Matt to wait as I went and talked to the lady at the front desk. Matt did as asked, staying put as I got the classroom for Corey, Miranda luckily in the same class today. Matt looked to me as I headed past him, knowing where I was going.

"So how far did you guys get yesterday with the setlist?" he asked as we walked to the English quarter, passing a few people who I was sure were meant to be in class right now.

"We managed a few songs; not at halfway yet though," I said as we approached the right classroom, the door open. "Brian said he'll hang around tomorrow to help after he spends money on new basses."

After Andy (#6 in the 'Outcast' Series)Where stories live. Discover now