Chapter 70

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Chapter 70:

The weeks went by really fast and before I knew it, we were heading home.

"So do I have an answer on whether or not I'll see you on New Year's or not?" Brian asked as we waited for the others to find their luggage; it was almost weird to be home after six weeks of being on the move.

"I'll have to ask Juliet about it and then we'll talk about it," I said as Matt came over, stopping with us.

"Alright, well you have my number so make sure you let me know the moment you know," Brian said.

The two of us looked to Matt, seeing that he had something he wanted to say.

"How're we feeling?" he asked, looking directly at me, Brian's phone going off.

"Honestly Matt, I'm feeling pretty good," I admitted, Matt giving a nod as Brian looked to him. "But it's also nice to be home."

Matt smiled and I could see that he agreed. He looked to Brian.

"Michelle said she's just gotten here," Brian said, Matt nodding. "Val and Juliet are on their way; we got in a bit earlier than expected so they were all gonna be here when we got in, but obviously we showed before they did. By the looks of it, 'Chelle's gonna be first in."

Brian grinned at Matt who smiled in return before shaking his head. Vic suddenly appeared off to my side, making me jump.

"Sorry," Vic apologised as Mike came to a halt next to him. Vic looked to Matt. "Just wann'ed to say thanks for bringing us along on this; means the world to us."

Matt gave him a bit of a nod.

"Was my pleasure Vic; you're always welcome to come along with us."

Vic grinned at him as Brian watched a few people go past; he was clearly waiting for his girlfriend to show.

"Anyway, also came over to letcha guys know that Mikey and I are headed out," Vic continued. "We'd love to stay and chat, but Alysha's here and we have to take off. Was a fun six weeks and we all really appreciate it. Hopefully we can do this kinda thing again one day."

"Agreed," Matt said. "You guys take care of yourselves."

"You too Matt," Mike said, Matt giving a bit of a nod in return. "Hopefully we see you more often than we do now."

Matt gave him a bit of a smile.

"Thanks for coming along guys; it's much appreciated," he said. "Wouldn't've been complete otherwise."

Vic and Mike both gave him a smile.

"Alright, well we should head out before we stall any longer," Mike said, Matt laughing. "It was a good time guys; thanks."

Mike looked to me briefly before pulling me into a hug.

"Good luck with everything," I said as he let me go. "Let me know how it all goes, ok?"

Mike gave a nod. "Will do. Take care of yourself and Juliet, ok Ash? We'll talk later."

I gave a nod in return. Vic gave me a quick hug before the two of them headed off, giving the three of us a wave as they left. Matt's phone went off, Brian and I looking to him.

"It's Val; should probably take this," Matt said. "Sorry guys, gimme a sec."

He moved away from us as he took the call; hopefully it wasn't anything bad. Brian looked to me and shrugged, going to say something, but being interrupted as someone stopped next to him. Brian's face lit up with a smile as he saw it was Michelle.

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