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Cory: Guys! Movie night tonight! What do you want to watch?!

Everyone: Finding Nemo!

Dawn: Finding Dory!

Tommy: Finding my will to live.

Cory: Okay wow

Ashlie: *whistles and leaves*

Uni: *spreads blanket over the floor*

Dawn: *grabs Tommy and lays him on the blanket, rolling him over with the blanket and making a Tommy sushi roll*

Uni: *picks up Tommy sushi roll and throws him at Nick*

Nick: *catches Tommy sushi roll and speaks in a Dad Nick voice* Alright, Tommy, what's wrong?

Tommy: Everything.

Nick: *pats Tommy's head* It's alright. Whatever problems you have, it will blow over, okay?

Tommy: When will Ashlie the creamweasel blow over?

Ashlie: *runs in and slaps Tommy out of the window*



Alright fams... Please welcome....


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welp this took me longer than it should. my brother messed around with the Samurai Faction logo so I had to delete the logo and reapply it. justbecausehehadhisbirthdayyesterdaydoesntmeaniwillextendmykindnessuntilafterhisbirthdaythatsmallcraniumedcreamweasel

Alright! So I tried making Ashlie's eyes like Yato because Ashlie has blue eyes but as you can see, i have failed. mhmm. Also I remember the crack chapter where Ashlie dragged me to Japan to buy swords but looks like she bought a naginata instead lmao.

Also I want to point out something to poke with your feels.

If you come back and reread the oneshot "Silence", Uni's first words in the chapter was "Hello, friend" and his last words "Goodbye, friend." Given that Uni is being picked on by Cory at certain times, he still addresses to him with the term "friend" so openly without any salt.

I'm sure that this wasn't enough to poke your feels lmao but if you want to cry, lEAVE RIGHT NOW AND SAVE YOURSELF nah jk i'll leave tissues by the door lmao

Okie see ya fams!

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