You know the roast is good when all of the other AUs starts jumping in

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<Reapers and Deities AU>

Nick: *quietly sipping coffee near the window, watching the rain fall*

Tommy: *walks in with bed hair and in his smiley face pajamas, goes straight up at the coffee maker, grabs the entire coffee container, walks to the window Nick is sitting by at and sits on the window sill, sipping his coffee loudly*

Nick: *sighs*

Tommy: *puts down his coffee* What.

Nick: At least be decent and dress up. You're not the only one living here.

Tommy: *scoffs and goes back to slurping his coffee loudly*

Cory: *bangs fist on the banister* tOMMY YOU ARE LIKE SCHOOL IN JULY

Tommy: What makes you think of that, dipshit? *slurps coffee*

Nick: *holds his mug handle a bit too tight that it cracks a bit* You have no class.

Cory: *who wasn't expecting Nick to finish the roast for him, stares at him*


Everyone: *from their rooms* oooooooooooooooooooooo

The NewScapeHamilton AU: oooooooooooooooooooooo

The Dad AU: oooooooooooooooooooooo

The Canonverse: oooooooooooooooooooooo

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