He is right here, mon ami

499 28 6

Unixander Hamilcomics: Burr is so salty that if you walk past his general direction, you'll get severe dehydration.

The revolutionary squad: *chokes in their drinks*

Dawn Burr: *is on a nearby table, clasping his hands together tightly so he couldn't punch Unixander*

Saltfayette: Mon ami, I do think sometimes that Burr is my long lost sibling.

Dawn Burr: *inhales*

Tommy Mulligan: Oh well, I've ordered some salads. Anyone who want something to flavor them up?

Unixander Hamilcomics: *sees the salt shaker on Burr's table* Hey, Burr, can you pass me the salt?

Dawn Burr: *slams hands on table* can you NOT endorse jefferson?

Unixander Hamilcomics: I think my cholesterol spiked. Call my doctor.

Nick Laurens: He's on his way. *eats his salad*

Dawn Burr: *is staring at Saltfayette* *in his mind* the goddamn sodium source is just right fucking beside him the man is literally a walking human-shaped salt rock what the fuck

Saltfayette: *pauses from eating his salad* My cholesterol just spiked.

Dawn Burr: *tackles Saltfayette*

Saltfayette: mON AMI NO

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