Reaper!Nick has a bit of Dad!Nick tbh

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<Reapers and Deities AU>

Jon: *is hanging out with a girl* You must really like the ice cream here.

Random Girl (RG): Yeah! Every chance I get to come here, I always get ice cream.

Cory, Tommy, and Nick: *walking around at the shopping strip, looking for new clothes because they all look like fucking sugar daddies lmao*

Cory: *spots Jon in the distance and pulls Tommy and Nick* Hey, isn't that the overdue soul?

Tommy and Nick: *squints*

Tommy: Oh! Jon! And he's with a girl. Ooooooo *lenny face*

Cory: What is he doing here with another mortal, carefree of his own soul status? Nick-- *turns at Nick when he's not there* Nick?

Nick: *walks towards Jon, having that anime eyeglass lighting and stuff lmao*

Cory: Nick! What the--

Nick: *reaches Jon and clears throat loudly* Excuse me, Jon.

Jon: *jumps* AH! *turns around to see Nick* Nick?! Why did you follow me?!

Nick: What are you doing with this... *looks at RG* ...girl?

RG: O-Oh! Are you Jon's dad?

Jon: *almost drops his ice cream* Dad?

Nick: *says in an insulted manner* Dad?

Cory and Tommy: Dad?!

RG: *smiles*

Jon: *notices the other Reapers in the distance, takes a deep breath, places his ice cream down on a nearby table, and walks towards them*

Nick: *is left with RG*

RG: *drops smile and walks closer to Nick, leaning towards him*

Nick: *is trying to avoid contact because he's a Reaper. Who knows what will happen to a mortal if they touch a Reaper*

RG: You free after this?

Nick: *deadpan* I'm free for the rest of my days until I accomplish what I'm tasked to do. Unfortunately.

RG: How about we meet up at the café later? Have a little chit-chat.

Nick: *looks at RG* Don't even think I didn't notice how you changed so quickly after Jonathan left.

RG: *blinks* Huh?

Nick: Acting all interested around him but I saw how your smile changed when I walked in.

RG: *sweat drop*

Nick: I saw how you bit your lip. Don't even think about it, woman. I may be a being that has done a whole new level of dirty work but your level of dirty work is unrivaled, even the deities I disgust and walk with scrunch up their nose at the mere sight of your behaviour.

RG: *is already scared*

Nick: Don't talk or even look at Jon's way. I will know if you do, and if you did, I will be the one smiling at you while I open the gates of hell for your arrival. Do you understand?

RG: O-okay *runs away*

Jon: *walks back* Where did she go?

Nick: *fixes his collar* She said she had somewhere else to go. Busy, perhaps?

Jon: Oh... *sighs in relief* She was really clingy to me. I just went here to buy some clothes for you guys but then she found me.

Nick: *in his mind* Damn. So it was just right that I threw her off Jon's shoulders. Wait, Jon, what were you supposed to be doing here?

Jon: Buy some clothes for you and your friends. The Reapers?

Nick: *tear drop* Why do I have to reap such a soul who shows compassion even to Reapers?

Cory: *in his mind* SHIT! NICK IS DOWN! REAPER DOWN! REAPER DOWN! Tommy, looks like it's only me and you in this mission to reap the overdue soul!

Tommy: *is looking at some sweaters and looks up* Hm? You were saying? Also dude, Jon's nice.


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