Uni why the fuck

493 44 10

Uni: *hops on the couch where Cory is sitting on* Heya.

Cory: *staring at nothing* Hey.

Uni: Heard you like bad boys? *wiggles eyebrows*

Cory: *slowly looks at him* dafuq

Uni: Well I'm pretty bad at everything so how will I do?


Cory: Have a shoe.

Cory: *kicks Uni in the face for that horrible attempt*

Nick: *crouches down beside Uni* Bud, you could've just said "I'm bad at pickup lines so I'm gonna be straight. Well, not actually straight because I'm gay for you" or something like that.

Uni: I'm literally good at nothing.

Ashlie, Dawn, Tommy, and Jon: ehem *points at the framed posters around the house which are all made by Uni*

Nick: *sings* why the fuck you lying *ruffles Uni's hair* Get up bud.

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