Cooking the bacon

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Dawn: *gets it done in just a few minutes* Alright. *takes off apron and goes upstairs*


Cory: *screams everytime the hot oil splatters towards him*


Tommy: *cooks just fine when the oil suddenly splatters on his hand* GOD FUCKING DAMMIT *throws pan out of the window* nGAAAAAAAAA


Ashlie: *wears iron armor and goes to cook*

Tommy: Jesus fucking christ, so extra.


TWITTER GOD NICK: *takes a picture of the raw bacon and begins to tweet a poll* Should I cook this?

×A few minutes later×

TWITTER GOD NICK: *goes to cook because 99% of his followers tells him to cook it*

Tommy: *from the other side of the house* oH SHIT NO ONE AGREED WITH ME FOR NICK NOT TO COOK IT


Uni: *leaning back while trying to stretch his arm towards the pan, shaking* Good bacon... Good bacon... *oil suddenly splatters and he screams*

Cory: *falls from the ceiling with knife* who hurt the cinnamon roll

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