This Love Will Change You

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This story is continuing from The Fosters episode 1x14 

Callie POV

I packed the last of my things in my bag, I was moving into my new apartment today. Since I had entered this group home I had been counting the time until I could get out of here, now that the day had come I felt a little sad inside. It would be nice to have the freedom of living on my own but I had grown close to most of the people here and it would be different not seeing them everyday. Something that always made me feel better about the move was Brandon. Just thinking what this would mean for us, being able to see each other and not have to hide anymore. It seemed so unreal to me.

Rita- ready to go?

Callie- yep

Rita and the girls were taking me over to the apartment and helping me get settled in.

Rita- sure your ready for this?

Callie- yeah, I am

Rita- living on your own might sound ideal but.. it will be harder than you think

Callie- I know, but I have people nearby for support

Rita- well.. I hope it all works out for you

Callie- it will, this time.. everything will work out

Brandon POV

Callie was moving into her apartment today. I had counted the days for this to come, me and Callie could finally see each other whenever we wanted. We hadn't gotten around to telling my moms about us yet. After awhile we decided it would just be best to tell everyone when Callie got out of the group home, so there wouldn't be any complications. I was heading over to the apartment now, luckily it was only a fifteen minute drive away.  

Marianna- Brandon, mom wants your help

Brandon- with what?

Marianna- their hauling boxes up from the basement 

Brandon- yeah.. I was kind of supposed to go do something..

Marianna- moms said now

Brandon- okay.. I'll be right down 

I guess I would just have to get to Callie's apartment a little late.

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