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Callie POV

It had been three days since I had discovered what Brandon did. We hadn't spoken except for one text Brandon had sent me yesterday asking if I was okay, I didn't respond to the message. The apartment had never felt so empty, with Brandon not stopping by everyday I felt completely alone. It took me awhile but I had managed to get the money back that Brandon had given me. I called Brandon to let him know.

On the phone:

Callie- hey Brandon its me, I um.. I have the money to give back to your dad so um.. if you you could stop by and pick it up, to give to him.. I would appreciate it

Brandon POV

I was currently grounded, sitting in my room. I couldn't believe things had gone bad so fast. My parents didn't trust me anymore and I might have lost Callie for good. I picked up my phone a noticed a message from Callie, I listened to it. After hearing it I knew this was my chance to see her and try to make things right. Even though I was grounded I knew I had to go see her, moms were going away this afternoon that would be my chance to sneak out.

Callie POV

Callie- hi

Brandon- hey, I got your message

Callie- thanks for coming

Brandon- no problem, I was hoping to see you anyways

Callie- here's the money

I handed him the cash, he took it reluctantly.

Brandon- how did you get the money so fast?

Callie- don't worry about it

Brandon- what did you do to get it?

Callie- I pawned my necklace

Brandon- you what? your mothers necklace?

Callie- its not a big deal 

Brandon- yes it is! Callie you loved that necklace

Callie- just go home Brandon!

Brandon- fine!

Brandon turned to leave but before he got to the door he stopped. Before I knew it he had come back over to me. He took me off guard putting his hands on my face and kissing me. After I realized what was happening I kissed him back. After a minute we separated.

Callie- you shouldn't have done that, I'm supposed to be mad at you

Brandon- I'm so sorry about the money, I shouldn't have done it..

Callie- you were only trying to help me, I shouldn't have complained about needing the money so bad and you wouldn't have..

Brandon- you didn't complain and its okay to need help once in awhile.. you don't have to do everything on your own

Callie- I know.. I just feel like I need to prove to everyone I can do this, you know?

Brandon- you don't have to prove anything to anyone.. especially not me

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