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Callie POV

I was visiting with Stef and Lena, we sat in the kitchen chatting. I rubbed my belly and was excited at the thought that there was a baby growing inside there. The past few months had gone by so fast, we were starting to get things around for the baby. 

Lena- have you had much morning sickness yet? your what.. three months along?

Callie- yeah and I've been throwing up a lot lately

Stef- well get used to it, when I was pregnant I was getting sick during the entire pregnancy..

Lena- are you guys getting excited?

Callie- yeah.. Brandon's so excited, we set up the crib last night..

Stef- what about you?

Callie- yeah, I mean I'm a little scared but mostly excited

I suddenly realized I had been here for a long time. I looked at the clock.

Callie- oh.. its almost three.. I have to get to work

Lena- you want a ride?

Callie- no that's okay, its only a few minutes from here..

I got up to leave when I felt a sharp pain go through me. I screamed out and braced the edge of the table. 

Stef- Callie, honey whats wrong?

Callie- somethings wrong

Lena- lets go to the hospital, come on Callie

Brandon POV

I headed into the building, I looked around and then I saw him working. I approached him, still angry inside. I knew Callie would be angry at me for doing this, but I need to make sure Wyatt doesn't come between me and Callie. 

Brandon- hey

Wyatt- hey, what are you doing here?

Brandon- just wanted to talk

Wyatt- about?

Brandon- why your here, why your bothering Callie

Wyatt- bothering? 

Brandon- Callie dosne't need any stress right now

Wyatt- I'm not..

Brandon- I don't know if you came back here to try and get back with Callie, but I hope you realize by now that's not going to happen

Wyatt- I understand that

Brandon- good! then you'll stay away from Callie

Wyatt- I didn't say that

Brandon- why don't you just go back to Indiana and leave us alone

Wyatt- look I'm..

My phone went off, I saw a text from my mom.

Brandon- oh my God

Wyatt- what?

Brandon- I gotta go, I have to go to the hospital

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