Leaving or Staying

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Brandon POV

Stef- New York?

Brandon- its an amazing job offer, mom

Stef- I know its just so far away from here..

Lena- when do you leave?

Brandon- the end of the week

Lena- so soon?

Brandon- they need me there to start work immediately

Callie- we're already pretty much packed, we just have to find an apartment in New York

Stef- we'll never see you guys..

Brandon- we can visit

Stef- it won't be the same, we're gonna miss the birth of the baby

Callie POV

I sat in a room at the doctors office, I had a check up today. I was waiting for the doctor to come in, during these appointments I was usually anxious to see my baby on the monitor. But today I was distracted thinking about going to New York. Everything inside of me was against this move, but I knew how important it was to Brandon. I saw how his face lite up every time he talked about it, I couldn't take that away from him. I was pulled away from my thoughts when the doctor came in.

Doctor- hi Callie, how you feeling today?

Callie- pretty good

Doctor- well why don't you lay back and we can see how that baby is doing

Callie- okay

Doctor- thought maybe Brandon would come to the appointment with you

Callie- he was supposed to but um.. hes busy trying to find us an apartment in New York

Doctor- New York?

Callie- yeah we're moving there

Doctor- oh.. that's exciting

Callie- yeah.. I guess

Doctor- there's your baby, perfectly healthy

I looked over to the monitor and saw my baby on the screen, I heard its little heart beating. After a minute the doctor said I could sit up again.

Doctor- well everything's good, just don't over do it okay.. after that accident your in a very fragile condition..

Callie- I'll keep that in mind..

Doctor- so when are you moving?

Callie- oh.. Saturday actually

Doctor- Saturday? not this Saturday?

Callie- yeah.. why?

Doctor- Callie you can't go to New York Saturday

Callie- why not?

Doctor- when I said you need to take it easy I meant it, and a 24 hour plane ride is too much for you and that baby right now..

Callie- well.. how long till I can travel?

Doctor- you need to stay put until this baby is born

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