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Brandon POV

Callie was slipping downhill fast now, every day she become more weak. She went to bed early and slept late but still became exhausted when she did to much. After much arguing I had finally convinced her to stay on bed rest to conserve her energy. I also wanted to make sure someone was home with her at all times, when I couldn't be there moms or another member of the family would come by and stay with her. Colleen was down for an afternoon nap, I went to check on Callie in our room. I cracked the door and saw her sleeping, I started to close the door.

Callie- Brandon..

She must have heard me, I went in the room and sat on the edge of the bed.

Brandon- thought you were asleep

Callie- I'm not tired right now, where's my baby?

Brandon- she's taking a nap, you want me to go get her?

Callie- no, let her sleep.. you look tired

Brandon- I'm fine

Callie- you were tossing and turning a lot last night..

Brandon- I just had a lot on my mind.. I wish you would let me move into the guest room, you'd be more comfortable with the bed to yourself

Callie- no I wouldn't.. and I don't care if you toss and turn, I want to feel you next to me every night

Brandon- yeah I..

Callie- what?

Brandon- nothing I.. I was just realizing how.. empty it would feel.. it would feel without you here

Callie could see I was close to tears and put her hand on my shoulder trying to comfort me. I then broke down, resting my head in her lap as she ran her fingers through my hair.

Callie- its gonna be okay, there is life after this Brandon.. I know that after I go.. you'll be happy again

Callie POV

Stef and Lena came to visit with me today. I called last night and asked them to come by today, I had a special request to ask of them.

Stef- hey sweetie

Lena- how are you doing today?

Callie- pretty good, thanks for coming today.. I know your both busy

Lena- not to busy for you

Callie- well I'll get right to it, I wanted you to keep this for me.. its for Colleen

I handed out a shoe box.

Stef- whats in it?

Callie- their letters, I wanted to write something to Colleen to read when shes older.. I wrote one and then I started thinking about all the moments in her life I wouldn't be here for and.. I wrote one to give to her on her birthday, Christmas, her wedding day...

I started crying, Stef and Lena immediately encased me in a hug.

Callie- I'm alright.. I just feel so cheated, that I'm gonna miss seeing her grow up

Stef- its not fair..

Lena- no its not

Callie- I tried to give Brandon the box of letters yesterday but.. he wouldn't take them, he's having a really hard time..

Lena- he just loves you.. we all do

Callie- oh.. I almost forgot, put this in the box too

I took off my necklace, taking one last look at it before putting it in the box.

Callie- give it to her on her tenth birthday



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