In A Bind

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Callie POV

Callie- what are you all doing here?

Brandon, Jesus, Marianna, and Jude stood in my doorway.

Callie- come in

Brandon- well you said you were painting the living room today, thought you could use some more hands to get it done

Callie-that would be great

Jesus- nice place

Marianna- yeah.. I kind of was expecting it to be you know.. I wasn't expecting it to be this nice

Callie- yeah.. its great

Marianna- pretty big for just one person

Callie- yeah well.. I guess its a little more space than I really need but..

Marianna- arn't you lonely here, all by yourself..

Callie- not really.. I miss seeing you guys all the time though

Brandon POV

We got to work painting and finished around noon.

Marianna- we are covered in paint

Jude- you are look its all over my face

Callie- not quite

Callie touched Jude's nose putting a spot of paint on it from her equally messy hands, we all laughed.

Callie- you guys can wash up in the bathroom, right through there

Marianna, Jesus, and Jude left to wash their hands, me and Brandon went into the kitchen and cleaned our hands in the sink as well.

Callie- so.. um.. did you get the test results yet?

Brandon- not yet

Callie- I'm sure it will be fine Brandon

Brandon- yeah, what if its not?

Callie- have you told your parents about this, do they know Talya called you..

Brandon- no

Callie- you should tell them, they could help you

Brandon- I just want wait for the results first, if I don't have it threre's no reason to tell them

Jude came running into the kitchen, very panicked.

Jude- you better come here quick!

Callie- whats wrong?

Jude- we were in the bathroom and the sink like broke..

Brandon- what do you mean it broke?

Jude- well.. there's water everywhere

Callie- oh no..

Callie POV

later that night my phone rang it was Brandon, I answered it.

Callie- hey B

Brandon- hey, did the plumber come by?

Callie- yeah, he managed to stop the water for now but I have to get it fixed right away or he said it could flood the place

Brandon- well dosen't the landlord take care of that?

Callie- he pays half but the rest is on me because of the way the damage occurred

Brandon- how much to fix it?

Callie- six hundred, he needs it by the end of the week too

Brandon- well I was actually calling to tell you, I got the test results back

Callie- and..

Brandon- it was negative, I don't have the STD

Callie- oh.. that's good news

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