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Callie POV

As I watched Brandon talk to his mom on the phone, I could tell it wasn't going well. I only heard bits and pieces of the conversation but Brandon'd face said it all. 

Brandon- me and Callie got married last night.. yeah.. we didn't tell you because.. mom I can't, look we'll come by the house later today and talk.. I have to go mom.. bye

Brandon hung up the phone.

Callie- that didn't sound good

Brandon- it wasn't

Callie- are you okay?

Brandon- yeah, why don't we get some breakfast before we head back

Callie- okay.. so I guess the honeymoon's over already

Brandon- no its not, after we talk the family.. we can go back home and keep celebrating

Callie- not sure if I'll feel much like celebrating after we talk to the family 

Brandon POV

We entered the house, it was afternoon by the time we had gotten back. Everyone was sitting in the kitchen, when we entered the room grew silent.

Brandon- hey

Lena- kids why don't you go upstairs and work on your homework

Marianna, Jesus, and Jude reluctantly left.

Stef- I don't even know where to begin..

Brandon- mom..

Stef- no I.. I can't believe you did this!

Brandon- its not the worst thing in the world

Stef- I can't even.. 

Lena- why don't we all just sit down and talk about this

Brandon- there's nothing to talk about, we're married.. everyone's gonna have to accept that

Stef- I won't accept this

Mom turned away from us, Callie went over to her.

Callie- Stef.. I know this was a shock to everyone, we just think..

Stef- get out

Lena- Stef!

Stef- no I'm done.. I want you both to get out of this house, now!

Brandon- okay, I'll get the rest of my stuff.. and we'll go

Lena- wait.. Brandon, Stef please.. say something

Callie POV

Brandon headed upstairs to gather the remainder of his things from his room.

Marianna- whats going on?

Callie- um.. we have to leave

Marianna- did you really get married?

Callie- yeah

Marianna- you guys shouldn't have run away and done that, you knew how moms would react

Callie- look we have enough people against us right now.. we could really use some support, please just try to understand, we really need your support.. please

Marianna- okay.. you've got it

Callie- thank you

Marianna- I guess I'm just disappointed I didn't get to be your maid of honor

We both smiled and laughed.

Marianna- I love weddings

Callie- yeah well.. we didn't really care about a big fancy wedding, we just wanted to be married

Marianna- well.. now you are

Callie- yeah.. now I am

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