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Callie POV

I woke up and saw sunlight streaming through the curtains, Brandon wasn't next to me. I heard noise coming from downstairs and glanced over at the clock. I started to panick, I should have been up hours ago. I quickly dressed and got ready before heading downstairs. Brandon was in the kitchen feeding Colleen breakfast.

Brandon- hey

Callie- hey, why didn't you wake me? I have to be at the doctors office in an hour..

Brandon- sorry, you were so tired last night I thought you deserved a few more hours of sleep

Callie- well I have to get Colleen ready and..

Brandon- its already done, all you have to do is get ready for your appointment and then we can go..

Callie- we?

Brandon- I called off work

Callie- you don't have to do that, I can go by myself

Brandon- should we take your car or mine?

Brandon POV

Me and Callie got in the car after finishing the appointment with the doctor. Callie was on the verge of tears, I was just angry inside.

Callie- Brandon we have to talk about this

Brandon- talk about what?

Callie- about what the doctor told us..

Brandon- were gonna get more doctors to look at you, that's just one doctors opinion..

Callie- Brandon, he seemed pretty sure.. he said..

Brandon- I know what he said! and I don't wanna hear it!

Callie- Brandon..

Brandon- no! he's wrong.. he's wrong there's no way a healthy 23 year old woman could be dying

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