Empty Spaces

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Brandon POV

Me and Callie stood in her nearly empty apartment. It had four rooms that needed furnished, we were trying to figure out a way to get what she needed without much cash. 

Brandon- so what exactly is your.. budget for furniture

Callie- not much

Brandon- well we could um.. well..

Callie- with independent living they help with the basic living expenses, like rent, electricity, water.. but furniture, clothes, food, that's pretty much on me

Brandon- right..

Callie- maybe we could go to some thrift stores or something.. I mean once I get some money saved up things will be better but for now..

I moved towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist.

Brandon- you know.. I could help you out, you know with the money.. 

Callie- that's really nice but.. you don't have any money

Brandon- well.. I could get some

Callie- oh yeah, what are you gonna do rob a bank

Brandon- no, I don't know I..

What Callie didn't know is that I really did have the money, it was the money I had kept from my dad.  It was stashed in the back of my closet, instead of being used for my piano lessons like it was intended. I knew practically stealing that money from my dad was wrong, but at the time I felt it was the right thing. I was originally keeping it to try and help Callie get out of that group home. I knew Callie would be furious if she knew how I  got the money, even if I was doing it to help her. 

Callie- don't worry about it okay

Brandon- you know what maybe we should check around at thrift stores, and I'll check around online too

Callie- good idea

Callie POV

It was a few days later, my apartment was still pretty empty. It was starting to come together though, I had a few small pieces of furniture now. Hopefully the rest of the space would be finished soon since I had a part time job now, another requirement of independent living.

Brandon- that lamp you found works great, what did you pay for it.. like ten bucks?

Callie- five actually 

Brandon- so.. next week is my birthday

Callie- yes, I know

Brandon- well you know the whole family's gonna be together and my moms were talking about inviting you anyways so I was thinking.. maybe it would be a good time to tell everyone that were together

Callie- now?

Brandon- well I just thought.. we could tell them and then by next week..

Callie- I don't.. I don't think we should tell them yet

Brandon- why? I mean whats stopping us? 

Callie- I'm just still settling into the apartment and..

Brandon- I know but.. its been almost two weeks, I just thought we would tell them by now

Callie- not yet

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