Coming Close

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Callie POV

Wyatt- do you want something to eat or drink?

Callie- yeah.. I want a cup of coffee

Wyatt- thought you weren't drinking caffeine?

Callie- well.. I am now

Wyatt- what is going on Callie? what happened?

Callie- a lot of things happened..

Waitress- excuse me but were closing up now 

Callie- okay, sorry..

I headed out of the cafe onto the street, where it was now pouring down rain. Wyatt followed me out.

Wyatt- come on my cars right here..

Callie- I have my car its parked just down the street

Wyatt- you'll get soaked, at least sit in my car till the rain lets up..

Callie- okay

We got into Wyatt's car and sat there as the rain continued to pour down.

Wyatt- so you never answered my question, what happened tonight?

Callie- my marriage is falling apart

Wyatt- what do you mean?

Callie- I was pushing so hard for us to have baby.. I didn't realize I was driving a wedge between us..

Wyatt- I'm sure you meant well Callie

Callie- you know what the worst part of all this is.. I caused all this.. it was me.. this was all my fault

Wyatt- Callie no, you always try to do the right thing, and if Brandon dosen't realize that's all you were trying to do then..

Callie- this isn't Brandon's fault..

Wyatt- look.. you are a smart, caring, incredible woman

Wyatt touched his hand to my face and started leaning in to kiss me. The scary part of all this is I wasn't backing away from him. When he was about an inch away from my face I realized what was happening, I quickly backed away from him.

Callie- oh God.. what am I doing, I have to go

Wyatt- Callie wait!

Callie- no! Wyatt please.. please stay away from me, I'm married and for better or worse I love Brandon.. I don't want to ever come that close to messing that up again

Brandon POV

I paced the living room, checking my phone again. Callie had been gone for a few hours, I was really starting to get worried. Finally Callie came through the door, completely soaked.

Brandon- Callie, are you okay?

Callie- I'm fine, I'm sorry for running out like that

Brandon- I'm just glad your okay, I was worried

I wrapped a blanket around her to try and dry her off.

Brandon- you should go get into some dry clothes, before you get sick

Callie- no

Brandon- what?

Callie- I have to do something first

Callie kissed me and then hugged me like she was holding on forever.

Callie- I'm sorry for everything

Brandon- you don't have anything to be sorry to for

Callie- yes I do, and.. I think we need to stop trying to have a baby right now, and work on getting back to us again.. the way we used to be

Brandon- yeah.. I think that's a good idea

Callie- I love you more than anything

Brandon- I love you too

Callie- I think I'm gonna go get a shower and warm up..

Brandon- okay

Callie- why don't you join me

Brandon- really?

Callie- yeah.. it would actually be nice to have sex again without the pressure of trying to get pregnant

Callie took my hand and we headed off to take a shower together. I don't know what happened to bring on this change of attitude but for the first time in awhile I felt like things were working out.

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