The Aftermath

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Callie POV

I headed out of the house, holding back the tears. I walked down the side walk, a tear fell from my face. 

Brandon- Callie wait!

I stopped and turned as Brandon walked towards me.

Brandon- I'm sorry

Callie- its not your fault

Brandon- you didn't think they would react good to finding out about us, did you?

Callie- no, but I didn't think it would be that bad either

Brandon- they'll come around, they'll get used to the idea

Callie- maybe

Brandon- they will

Callie- I have to get home

Brandon- I'll drive you, come on

Brandon POV

I headed up to Callie's apartment, I was there almost everyday after school. I pulled out the key she had given me and opened the door.

Brandon- Callie!

Callie- in the kitchen

I threw my backpack on the couch and headed into the kitchen

Callie- hey, how was your day?

Brandon- um.. it was good

We had kind of fallen into a routine, I came over after school, we usually ate together, watched a movie, and then I relentlessly had to go home when it got late. I never wanted to leave her when night came, I longed to be with her all the time.

Brandon- I can't stay long though

Callie- why?

Brandon- my moms think I'm spending to much time over here, they want me home for dinner tonight so..

Callie- oh.. okay

Brandon- but I might be able to sneak away and come back afterwards

Callie- good

Brandon- I wish we could be together all the time

Callie- your not sick of me?

Brandon- no, your not tired of me hanging around your apartment so much?

Callie- no, it feels empty when your not here

Brandon- well I better go, oh by the way.. your still coming to my birthday party Saturday night right?

Callie- I don't know

Brandon- whats wrong?

Callie- its just.. your whole family will be there and.. your moms are still upset, I don't want to ruin the party

Brandon- It would ruin the party more if you weren't there, besides my moms already invited you

Callie- yeah but that was before..

Brandon- well they can't really say anything about it because its my birthday so..

Callie- okay fine I'll come

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