Tell Me Everything

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Callie POV

I woke up the next morning to sunlight streaming through the bedroom window.  I rolled over on my side and saw Brandon asleep next to me. I couldn't help but smile, I leaned over to him and gave him a kiss on the forehead. He felt the kiss and started to smile and move under the covers.

Callie- good morning

Brandon- good morning

Callie- how about today we just stay right here

he smiled and we started kissing. The kissing became more intense by the minute and was the kind of moment that would usually lead to something. But after a few minutes Brandon had to stop us from going any further.

Brandon- I have to go to work

Callie- I know..

Brandon- but.. when I get home tonight we can continue this

Callie- deal

We shared one last kiss, before I got out of bed and started putting my robe on.

Callie- you better hurry up and get ready, I'll make you breakfast..

I went out to the kitchen and started cracking eggs for breakfast. 

Brandon- Callie! your phones going off, you have a voice mail..

Callie- just listen to it for me, my hands are dirty..

Brandon- okay

Brandon listened to the voice mail, I grabbed a towel to clean my hands off. Brandon hung up the phone.

Callie- what was it?

Brandon- did you see Wyatt last night?

Callie- what?

Brandon- the voice mail.. Wyatt said you left your jacket in his car last night..

Callie- look Brandon I can explain..

Brandon- we had a fight so you went running to Wyatt!

Callie- no.. no it wasn't like that, I just ran into him..

Brandon- you were in his car..

Callie- it was pouring rain.. my car was a block away..

Brandon- I can't believe this..

Callie- Brandon I swear to you.. nothing happened, nothing.. if anything it made me realize whats important..

Brandon- tell me everything Callie, I want to know exactly what happened last night 

Brandon POV

After waiting around for awhile I finally saw him heading out of the building to his car. I started walking towards him in a determined rage.

Brandon- Wyatt!

Wyatt- hi.. what are you..

Brandon- you said you had Callie's jacket

Wyatt- yeah

He reached inside his car and handed the jacket to me.

Wyatt- I kind of thought Callie would be the one coming..

Brandon- she dosen't want to see you, I don't want her to see you either

Wyatt- that's too bad, I thought me and Callie were friends..

Brandon- friendship! is that what you were looking for last night

Wyatt- what..

Brandon- Callie told me everything okay, I know exactly what you tried to do..

Wyatt- I was just trying to help Callie, she was a mess because of you!

Brandon- Callie was upset and vulnerable! you tried to take advantage of my wife!

Wyatt- that what you came here to say?

Brandon- no, I came here to tell you that if you ever try to make a move on Callie again, next time.. you won't see me coming 

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