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Callie POV

We were approaching Colleen's second birthday. It was hard to believe she was growing up so quickly. She was already becoming a strong and independent little girl. Colleen is also very curious, I marveled at seeing her approach Brandon's piano the other day and gently tapping each key to see what sounds they made. After a lot of hard work Brandon had finally got his dream job working right here in San Diego. He was teaching piano and composing new music every chance he got. I was mostly a stay at home mom, Colleen kept me pretty busy during the days but I had started a small photography business on the side. I mostly worked small events on weekends when Brandon could stay home with Colleen.

I was currently working on dinner, Brandon should be home any minute. I slipped Colleen into her high chair and checked the pot of pasta on the stove. I felt my stomach turn and ran into the bathroom. I had been feeling sick pretty often lately, I suspected I knew what the sickness was but couldn't be positive. As I was in the bathroom I heard the front door open, Brandon was home.

Brandon- Callie! 

He knocked on the bathroom door.

Callie- I'll be right out..

I came out of the bathroom.

Brandon- hey..

He leaned in to kiss me but I backed away before he could.

Callie- don't.. I just threw up

Brandon- oh..

He gave me a kiss on the forehead instead.

Brandon- so.. how were my girls today?

He picked Colleen up and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

Callie- your daughter was playing with the piano again today..

Brandon- oh yeah.. I'll have to start teaching her when she gets a little older

Brandon POV

I slipped into bed, Callie came out of the bathroom and got in next to me.

Callie- is Colleen asleep?

Brandon- yeah, she went right to sleep

Callie- good

Brandon- are you okay? you've been getting sick a lot lately..

Callie- I made an appointment to see the doctor tomorrow

Brandon- so you think somethings wrong?

Callie- no.. I don't think anythings.. wrong

Brandon- you don't think anythings wrong but your going to see a doctor?.. are you pregnant?

Callie- I think so

We both smiled and I pulled her into a hug.

Callie- nothings for sure yet but.. I've been having all the symptoms so..

Brandon- this is amazing,, I love you so much

Callie- I love you too

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