Our Baby

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Brandon POV

I came into the hospital, I was in a panicked state. The text didn't say what was wrong. just that they had taken Callie to the hospital. I was assuming the worst, I went to the front desk.

Nurse- can I help you?

Brandon- my wife.. she was just brought in here.. 

Nurse- whats the name?

Brandon- Foster.. Callie Foster

Stef- Brandon!

Brandon- hey, whats going on?

Stef- Callie was at the house and she started having some pain so we..

Brandon- where is she? is she okay?

Stef- Callie.. will be fine

Brandon- will be.. what does that mean?

Stef- Brandon.. the baby..

Brandon- what? whats wrong with the baby?

She didn't answer me.

Brandon- mom! tell me.. whats going on?

Stef- honey.. Callie.. Callie lost the baby

Brandon- what...

Stef- I'm so sorry baby.. but Callie.. is fine and your both young.. there will be plenty of time for more babies

Brandon- where is she?

Callie POV

Lena kept talking to me, trying to comfort me. I wasn't even listening to her at this point, I just laid in the hospital bed staring across the room. 

Lena- are you having anymore pain?

Callie- no

Lena- Brandon will be here soon..

Callie- how am I gonna tell him

Lena- oh.. honey.. it just wasn't meant to be..

Brandon came in the room, I looked over as he came in but then turned my head back the other direction. 

Lena- I'll leave you guys alone

Lena left the room and Brandon came over to the side of the bed. He sat down next to me and held my hand.

Brandon- are you okay?

Callie- Brandon.. I.. the baby..

Brandon- I know

I started to cry, I could see a tear slipping from his eye as well.

Callie- I.. I'm sorry.. I

Brandon leaned down and held me as I continued to cry into his chest.

Brandon- I'm so sorry baby, I love you.. I'm sorry

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