Facing The News

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Callie POV

After coming home from the doctors I just sat on the couch, letting the news sink in. The words from the doctor just kept repeating through my mind.  Brandon was stomping around the house.

Brandon- I'm gonna start making some calls

Callie- Brandon, the doctor said its not treatable..

Brandon- I know, that's why I'm gonna talk to some other doctors

Brandon left the room and went upstairs to make the calls. I knew he wouldn't stop untill he knew he had done everything he could, but all I wanted right now was for someone to hold me and make me feel safe again.

Colleen- mommy..

I looked over and saw Colleen had come in and was standing in front of me.

Colleen- what wrong?

Callie- I'm fine sweetie, mommy's fine.. 

Colleen reached her arms out to me and smiled.

Colleen- hug!

I picked her up and held her in my arms, hugging her for a long time.

Callie- you make my days, you know that?

Later that night Brandon was still working on making calls, I decided I should go tell Stef and Lena what was going on before they heard from someone else. When I pulled into their driveway I saw Jude playing in the front yard, completely unaware that anything was wrong. We waved to each other before I entered the house and saw Stef and Lena in the dining room.

Stef- hey sweetie

Callie- hi

Lena- we didn't know you were coming over..

Callie- sorry I didn't call ahead of time

Stef- thats okay, your welcome here anytime

Lena- sit down

I took a seat at the table with them.

Stef- so whats up?

Callie- I haven't been feeling well lately, so I went to the doctor..

Stef- okay..

Callie- it turns out I.. I have cancer

Lena- what! cancer?

I nodded.

Stef- well what kind of treatment..

Callie- they can't treat what I have, the doctor said its already spread throughout my body and.. 

My voice started to break.

Stef- oh baby..

They gathered around me and hugged me. We were so consumed in the moment none of us heard Jude come inside.

Jude- whats going on?

We separated from the hug.

Callie- Jude.. come here I.. I need to tell you something

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