The Best Gift

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Callie POV

I came into the apartment after a long day of work. It had been a few months, luckily Wyatt hadn't contacted me again. Things were good between me and Brandon again, we were back to our normal life. Today was also my birthday.

Callie- Brandon! are you home?

He didn't answer, he was probably still at work. Brandon said he would try to get off early today so we could spend some time together before we went over to the Foster's tonight for dinner. I threw my coat on the couch and made my way to the bedroom to get changed. I was taken off guard when I walked into the room. There were rose petals covering the bed and leaving a trail on the floor, candles light up the dark room.

Callie- Brandon..

Brandon appeared from the bathroom.

Brandon- hey, I didn't here you come in

Callie- whats all this?

Brandon- happy birthday

Callie- this is exactly what I needed

Brandon- well this is what you deserve

Brandon POV

Awhile later me and Callie lay in bed. I held her in my arms as she rested her head on my chest. 

Brandon- we should get up, get ready to go over to my moms..

Callie- yeah well its my birthday and I say we stay here a little longer

Brandon started to get out of bed.

Callie- where are you going?

Brandon- just stay there, I'll be right back

After a I reappeared with a small bag in my hand.

Callie- what is that?

Brandon- your birthday present

She reached inside the bag and pulled out  a small box. I watched her open the box and find a small diamond necklace inside.

Callie- its beautiful

I took the necklace and latched it around her neck. She adjusted it and looked to me for approval.

Callie- how do I look?

Brandon- more beautiful without it

Callie smiled and leaned in as we shared a kiss.

Callie- thank you, but I think you already gave me an even better gift this year..

I looked at her very confused at what was going on, she obviously knew something I didn't.

Callie- I'm pregnant Brandon

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