The Death Of Me

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Brandon POV

I stood their taking one last look at the casket, the funeral was ending and people were leaving the graveyard. I hung back a moment not wanting to leave her. Mom came up behind me and placed a hand on my shoulder.

Stef- you okay?

Brandon- yeah..

Stef- look Brandon why don't you let Colleen stay with us for a few nights, you'll have one less thing to worry about..

Brandon- no, I want her with me right now... she needs me and I need her

Stef- then let me come stay with you and Colleen for a little while

Brandon- we'll be fine mom..

Stef- okay.. well if you need anything you know where to find us

Brandon- thanks

We shared a hug and then I took Colleen and went home. Colleen was only two and didn't even realize what was happening. I had tried to explain to her that her mother was gone and wasn't coming back but she was simply to young to understand the concept. It hurt even more to hear Colleen ask me "where's mommy", my heart broke a little more every time she said that. I went in the kitchen to try and find something for us to eat, the cabinets and fridge were bare. I hadn't had a chance to go shopping, Callie usually did it. Colleen came up behind me and tugged at my pant leg.

Colleen- daddy!

Brandon- what

Colleen- I'm hungry!

Brandon- I know, I'm trying here..

Colleen- daddy!

Brandon- Colleen please!

Colleen- I want mommy!

Brandon- mommy's not here..

Colleen- I want mommy!

Brandon- well so do I!

I spun around, all my hurt bubbling over into anger now. 

Brandon- I want mommy here too, but shes not here and shes never coming back!

My sudden outburst caused Colleen to start crying, I bent down to her level and pulled her into a hug.

Brandon- oh my God.. I'm so sorry baby.. I'm sorry

After I calmed her down I took her up to her room and put her to bed early. I returned to the kitchen and pulled a bottle of alcohol from the cabinet, pouring a big glass and then downing it.

Brandon- how could you just leave me here Callie.. how could you

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