Holding On

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Callie POV

I was sitting on the couch, watching TV and trying to stay awake. Brandon said he would try to sneak out and come see me tonight, but it was midnight and he hadn't come yet. I checked my phone again but there were no messages from him. I finally heard a knock on the door, I nearly leaped off the couch and ran to the door. I opened it and saw Brandon there, I ran into his arms hugging him.

Callie- I was worried you couldn't come

Brandon- they didn't go to bed right away tonight, I had to wait a while before I could get out

We came in and sat down on the couch together.

Brandon- this is crazy, we have to go back to sneaking around again

Callie- well you won't be grounded forever, right?

Brandon- not if my parents have anything to say about it

Callie- we can figure it out..

Brandon- I'll be eighteen soon, then we can do whatever.. we.. want

He started to kiss my neck. 

Callie- Brandon, do you think we really have time to do this tonight?

Brandon- I could just not go home

Callie- you should get back, I don't want you getting into anymore trouble

Brandon- I don't care, besides how much more trouble can I really get in

Brandon continued kissing me.

Callie- yeah but.. I do care, if we want this to work long term we should..

Brandon- right.. your right, its just..

Callie- I know, we've already waited a long time

Brandon- its okay, it will be even better when it actually happens

I smiled and we shared a kiss.

Callie- how many people have you.. you know.. been with?

Brandon- wait, what?

Callie- how many people have you had sex with?

Brandon- wow.. you really did just ask me that?

Callie- I just want to know?

Brandon- how do you know I've even.. been with anyone?

Callie- well I know you've been with at least one person.. Talya

Brandon- how do you..

Callie- she pretty much told me

Brandon- of course she did

Callie- so..

Brandon- two, Talya and one other girl..

Callie- okay

Brandon- what about you?

Callie- me?

Brandon- yeah, I told you now your turn..

Callie- you already know everything.. I haven't been with anyone, except for what happened with Liam and I don't think that really counts

Brandon- so you and Wyatt never..

Callie- no

Brandon POV

I headed into the kitchen, about to approach my moms. 

Brandon- hey

Stef- hey

Lena- whats up?

Brandon- so me being grounded ends today, right?

Stef- yeah, I guess it does

Brandon- so I can go to Callie's after school?

Neither of them answered, they just looked away.

Brandon- what?

Lena- you can go Brandon, but.. we don't want you spending as much time there as you have been

Brandon- whatever

I turned to leave the room.

Stef- Brandon! come back here

Brandon- you may be able to control me now but in a few months I'll be eighteen

Stef- and..

Brandon- you won't be able to tell me when I can see Callie

Lena- Brandon even though your turning eighteen, your still living here until graduation and college

Stef- and as long as your living here..

Brandon- well that can change

Stef- so what your moving out the day you turn eighteen?

Brandon- maybe

Lena- where are you planning on going?

Stef- Callie's? your gonna move in together? 

Brandon- I can't stay here when no one can accept my relationship..

Stef- I think that would be a mistake Brandon

Brandon- then its my mistake to make

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