Meeting Up

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Callie POV

I entered the cafe, I was kind of nervous. I looked around for Wyatt after a minute I saw him sitting at a table in the corner. I slowly made my way over to him.

Callie- hey

Wyatt- hey, come.. sit down

Callie- so.. 

Wyatt- you want something to drink or..

Callie- no I'm fine

Wyatt- you look good

Callie- I don't have much time so.. why are you here?

Wyatt- I turned eighteen a few months ago, there wasn't really anything keeping me in Indiana..

Callie- right

Wyatt- plus I still have friends here, like you..

Callie- a lot has changed since you left, Wyatt

Wyatt- like what?

Callie- I got married

Wyatt- your married?

Callie- yeah

I reached my hand out towards him, showing the ring on my finger.

Wyatt- that's.. great, who's the guy?

Callie- Brandon

Wyatt- right, you said you guys were dating before I.. I didn't realize it was that serious

Callie- yeah well..

Wyatt- so everything's really working out for you then..

Callie- not everything

Wyatt- what?

Callie- when me and Brandon got married.. we eloped, when we told everyone.. Stef kind of freaked out

Wyatt- what happened?

Callie- she basically threw us out of the house

Wyatt- oh.. that sucks

Callie- yeah, I thought we could sit down and talk again, you know once things cooled down but.. Brandon wouldn't hear of it, he thinks they'll never except us.. maybe hes right

Wyatt- you've never been the kind of person to let other people push you around, your just gonna sit back and let your husband tell you what to do?

Callie- its not like that

Wyatt- you sure about that?

Callie- I have to go

Wyatt- Callie.. come on

Callie- no.. I never should have come here

Brandon POV

Brandon- you what?

Callie- I saw Wyatt today

Brandon- you saw him or you met up with him?

Callie- I met up with him

Brandon- why?

Callie- he called me and asked if I..

Brandon- wait, why is he even here?.. he's living in Indiana

Callie- he moved back here

Brandon- why? to get back together with you!

Callie- Brandon!

Brandon- I just want to know why he's here and more importantly why you didn't tell me about it!

Callie- I am telling you about it.. now

Brandon- why didn't you tell me yesterday?

Callie- I don't know.. I thought you might over react, besides you wouldn't have been okay with it anyways..

Brandon- and what does that tell you! you should have told me Callie, you shouldn't have lied to me!

Callie- well how am I supposed to know what I can talk to you about..

Brandon- what is that supposed to mean?

Callie- when I mentioned trying to talk with your mom again you just.. shut me down

Brandon- well how am I supposed to feel when your meeting up with your old boyfriend behind my back! are you even committed to our marriage?

Callie- that's ridiculous!

Brandon- is it? your distant and you arn't talking to me, are you even happy Callie? do you regret marrying me? 

Callie- Brandon, I..

Brandon- do you?

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