The Past Coming Back

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Callie POV

I couldn't believe who I was talking to, me and Wyatt had texted a few times after he moved to Indiana. It was mostly just checking in and in the past year we hadn't spoken at all.  Why would he be calling me now?

Callie- I'm just a little surprised, we haven't spoken in a while

Wyatt- well you haven't called me so..

Callie- the phone works both ways you know

Wyatt- I just wanted to let you know I moving back

Callie- your coming back here?

Wyatt- yeah

Callie- why?

Wyatt- I'll explain when I get there, can you meet me tomorrow?

Callie- I don't know.. I have work and..

Wyatt- just for a few minutes, I really need to talk to you

Callie- okay

Brandon POV

I collapsed into bed, exhausted from the day. Callie was reading a book next to me, I could tell she wasn't really reading though because she had been staring at the same page for a long time. Since we had been married, I worried she wasn't happy. Callie seemed really distant, I assumed it was due to moms reaction to us eloping. I hoped it wasn't because of me.

Brandon- hey, whats wrong?

Callie- nothing

Brandon- you sure about that?

Callie- yeah

Brandon- how was your day?

Callie- fine

Brandon- anything interesting happen?

Callie- no

Brandon- okay.. are you still upset about my mom? because we can..

Callie- no, no.. I'm just tired.. I'm going to sleep

She turned off the light and laid down in bed, her back to me.

Brandon- good night

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