I'm Listening

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Brandon POV

I was in my room getting ready for school. I grabbed my books and shoved them into my backpack. I hadn't seen Callie since we had that fight, I was ashamed to say I had been avoiding her. I turned to head downstairs when I saw Jude coming in my room.

Brandon- hey, whats up?

Jude- um.. I wanted to ask you something

Brandon- sure, what is it?

Jude- um.. could you take me to see Callie?

Brandon- you want to visit Callie?

Jude- well yeah, I haven't seen her in awhile and I wondered if you could drive me..

Brandon- do moms know about this?

Jude- no

Brandon- did they say no when you asked them?

Jude- maybe

Brandon- that's what I thought

Jude- yeah but I just..

Brandon- sorry but.. I can't take you to see Callie

Jude- okay

Jude turned to walk out of the room.

Brandon- but if we went to the mall after school.. moms would be okay with that, don't you think?

A big smile spread across Jude's face.

Jude- yeah, I think they would say yes to that

Callie POV

I came in the apartment throwing my backpack on the couch and checking my phone once again. It had been three days since me and Brandon had spoken. I had completely screwed this up, It became completely evident to me after running into Talya the other day. I felt horrible for ruining the chance for us to be together. I heard a knock on the door, I went to answer it assuming it was just the landlord here to collect rent. I opened it and saw Brandon and Jude there.

Callie- hey

Jude and me shared a hug.

Callie- what are you doing here?

Jude- I asked Brandon if he could drive me

Callie- come in

Jude and Brandon came in and I closed the door behind them. Brandon barely looked at me, I could tell he was still upset. 

Callie- so.. what do you think? of the apartment I mean

Jude- its nice, um.. wheres the bathroom?

Callie- right through there

Jude left the room and the tension between me and Brandon increased. 

Callie- how are you?

Brandon- fine.. how about you?

Callie- good.. I've been trying to get a hold of you, since your here.. can we talk now?

Brandon- I'm here because Jude asked me for a ride

Callie- I understand why your upset

Brandon- do you? really?

Callie- so your not even gonna give me a chance to apologize?

Brandon- I'm listening

Callie- after we had that fight I was racking my brain try to figure out why I had such a problem with letting everyone know about us, I made tons of excuses in my mind about it. It wasn't until yesterday I realized what the real reason was, it wasn't because I was scared or wanted more time it.. it was because I was ashamed. I was so worried about what people would think of me, I couldn't see how I was hurting you

I started to tear up, Brandon came over and just wrapped me in a hug. he kissed my forehead.

Brandon- sh.. don't say anymore okay

Jude came back in the room and saw us hugging.

Jude- whats going on?

We separated from the hug.

Callie- nothing, um.. you want to see the rest of the apartment?

Jude- sure

Brandon- we have to be back to the house in an hour

Callie- yeah, I think I'll go back to the house with you guys.. say hello to eveyone, maybe talk with Stef and Lena. If you think its a good time?

Brandon- its perfect timing

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