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Callie POV

I laid in bed reading my book, Brandon was getting ready for bed. I looked down at my growing belly and touched it.

Brandon- we need to find a bigger place 

Callie- what are you talking about? we have plenty of room..

Brandon- yeah now.. but once that baby comes we are going to need more space, we don't even have an room for the baby

Callie- we can't afford a bigger place right now

Brandon- yeah.. I've been thinking about maybe getting a second job

Callie- a second job? no way.. we would never see each other

Brandon sat down next to me on the bed, his back turned to me. I put the book down and wrapped my arms around him from behind, resting my chin on his shoulder.

Callie- we'll get by

Brandon- I just thought by the time we'd have a baby we would.. you know, be in a house.. I would have a better job..

Callie- hey.. this baby will have more love than it knows what to do with

He smiled and turned around facing me, I took his hand and touched it to my belly.

Callie- especially now.. now that things are good with your moms again..

Brandon- yeah.. your right

I smiled and touched his face.

Brandon- your gonna be such a good mom

Callie- I wish I was so sure..

Brandon- what are you talking about.. your great with Jude..

Callie- that's different then taking care of a baby..

Brandon- we can figure it out together

I leaned in a kissed him.

Callie- Wyatt stopped by work..

Brandon- what did he want?

Callie- nothing really.. I told him about the baby

Brandon- I'm gonna talk to him

Callie- no.. Brandon

Brandon- he just can't keep showing up and bothering you.. stress is not good for you right now

Callie- I'm fine.. and I can handle Wyatt

Brandon- what does he want? did he say anything?

Brandon saw me look away from him, he could tell there was more to what I was saying.

Brandon- what Callie? if there's something your not telling me..

Callie- Wyatt just dosen't understand..

Brandon- understand what?

Callie- us.. he just seems to think.. I'm not happy being..

Brandon- being married to me?

Callie- I shouldn't have told you..

Brandon- yes you should of, I was right.. he is trying to get you back!

Callie- well he knows that's not going to happen.. especially now that he knows about the pregnancy..

I saw the look in Brandon's eyes, he was angry.

Callie- promise me you won't do anything Brandon..

Brandon- Callie, I'm not gonna let..

Callie- promise me! promise you won't confront Wyatt about this..

Brandon- fine

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