A Perfect Day

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Callie POV

I slowly awoke to the sound of Colleen's voice. I opened my eyes and saw it was already very bright outside, Brandon had been letting me sleep in late because of me being so tired lately. Colleen had come into the bedroom and was gently poking me to wake up.

Colleen- mommy! up!

I smiled and picked Colleen up sitting her in the bed with me. that's when I glanced over at the time and saw it was ten already. Brandon came in the room looking for Colleen.

Brandon- I was trying to keep her downstairs so she wouldn't wake you up

Callie- its fine..

Brandon came and sat on the bed with us.

Brandon- so I called work and they said I can take some time off, so I can be home with you

Callie- good.. maybe then we can get out of the house today

Brandon- Callie.. I don't really think your up to..

Callie- I can't stand being stuck in the house, I want us to all go out and do something together

Brandon- okay.. what?

Callie- how about the beach

Brandon- I don't know..

Callie- come on.. its a perfect day outside and.. Colleens never been to the beach, I wanna see her face when her feet touch the water for the first time

Brandon POV

After packing a few things we headed for the beach. When we got there I could tell Callie was already tired again, even though she would never admit it. We spent the day playing in the sand and the water. Callie and me each took one of Colleens hands as we walked her into the water. Then we all just sat on a blanket watching the waves come in. Colleen fell asleep cuddled up next to Callie.

Callie- you remember the first time we met?

Brandon- yeah..

Callie- did you ever think we would end up here?

Brandon- no, actually when we first met I thought you were a little crazy..

Callie let out  a laugh.

Callie- me? crazy?

Brandon- yeah, you were right out of Juvy and kind of intimidating..

Callie- oh come on, I was a 16 year old girl sleeping on your couch..

Brandon- yeah and I was sleeping with a baseball bat next to my bed

Callie- well you didn't stay scared for long..

Brandon- maybe I was just looking for trouble

Callie- well you found it

Brandon- we didn't have enough time together

Callie- I would rather have seven years with you than 70 with anyone else, every moment together has been full of so much love and happiness

Brandon- yeah.. your right

Callie- I love you, Brandon

Brandon- I love you too

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