Moving In

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Callie POV 

It was starting to get dark outside, Rita and the girls were about to leave.  Most of my things were unpacked but the place still looked really empty. I didn't really have hardly any furniture yet, just the necessity's. I checked my cellphone again, I was checking for a message from Brandon.  we hadn't been able to have much contact lately but he knew today was when I got out of the group home. 

Rita- okay Callie, we have to go now

Callie- okay, thanks for your help.. I really appreciate it

Rita- your welcome, good luck

Callie- thanks

Rita and the girls left and sat down on the floor, checking my phone once again. I called Brandon but was disappointed when he didn't pick up, I left a message.

Callie- hey Brandon.. its me, I just.. I wasn't sure if you remembered today was.. I know your probably busy but..  you know what just call me back if you get this message, bye

I hung up the phone and tossed it aside, then tried to unpack some more boxes. My mind kept drifting though, why wasn't he here? did he forget? 

Brandon POV

I headed into the apartment complex, it was getting late. I knew Callie was probably wondering what happened, I kept trying to get out of the house but I didn't really want anyone to be suspicious of where I was going so I couldn't act to anxious. I got to the door and knocked, I waited a few seconds and then knocked again. This time she answered.

Callie- hey 

Callie smiled and hugged me.

Brandon- hey

We separated fro the hug and just stood there looking at each other for a moment.

Callie- come in

Brandon- um.. I was planning on being here earlier but my mom..

Callie- its fine

Brandon- so you got a lot unpacked already

Callie- yeah Rita and the other girls came by to help so..

Brandon- that's good

We sat down on the floor.

Brandon- so.. do you like the apartment so far

Callie- I like it, I like that we can spend more time together now

We both smiled.

Brandon- yeah, and I can kiss you without worrying about someone catching us

I leaned and kissed her.

Brandon- when can we tell people you know.. about us

Callie backed away and shifted uncomfortably.

Callie- lets just wait a while longer okay?

Brandon- why?

Callie- I just.. would rather wait till I'm more settled in before we start telling people

Brandon- oh.. okay, its just..

Callie- what?

Brandon- well I'm just sick of lying to everyone, lying to my family..

Callie- I know, I know just.. give me a little more time

Callie touched my face.

Brandon- okay

Callie- thank you

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