Spending The Night

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Callie POV

I heard the water turn on, Brandon was taking a shower in the bathroom. I changed into my pajamas and turned down the covers of the bed. Brandon's phone beeped on the nightstand. I looked at it. It was Stef calling again. Brandon came out of the bathroom dressed in pajamas for bed.

Callie- your phones going off again

I handed the phone to him.

Callie- you should probably talk to her, at least let them know your alright

Brandon- yeah I guess you right, I'll text her

I sat down on the bed watching him send the message, he sat the phone back on the nightstand. I got under the covers, he was about to get into bed too but hesitated.

Brandon- you know I can just sleep on the couch if you want..

Callie- what? no you don't have to do that

Brandon- okay

Brandon climbed into bed and I turned the lamp off.  We both were a little unsure of how to act so we just kept to our own sides of the bed.

Brandon POV

I awoke in the middle of the night, for a minute I forgot where I was. Then I looked over and saw Callie next to me. I rolled over to face her and then closed my eyes to go back to sleep. After a minute I felt her roll over towards me and snuggle up to my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and drifted back to sleep.

Callie POV

I woke up to sunlight coming through the window in the bedroom. I was still cuddled up next to Brandon. I started to get up gently not wanting to wake him, I carefully climbed out of bed and after moving Brandon rolled over on his stomach.

Brandon- where are you going?

Callie- I'll be right back

Brandon- hurry

I smiled.

Callie- I will

I went to get a cup of coffee, after reaching the kitchen I heard a knock on my door. It was pretty early but I suspected who it was. I answered the door and saw Stef and Lena at my door.

Callie- hi

Stef- is Brandon here?

Callie- yes he is

Lena- can you get him please?

Callie- Brandon! 

After a minute Brandon came from the bedroom.

Callie- I'll let you guys talk, I'm gonna get dressed

I left the room, even though I wouldn't be present for this conversation I knew I would probably be loud enough I could hear it from the bedroom.

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