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Callie POV

I was putting my books in my backpack when I heard the door to my apartment open.

Callie- Brandon?

Brandon- yeah

I knew it was him because he was the only one who had a key to my apartment, but it was unusual for him to come by in the morning before school. 

Brandon- do you have a minute?

Callie- sure, I have to get to school but.. I guess I can spare a minute

Brandon- I just wanted to give you this

he held out a roll of bills to me, I took it from him a little confused.

Callie- what is it?

Brandon- the money you need to get you sink fixed

Callie- how did you get this money?

Brandon- I've been.. you know saving up for awhile..

Callie- look Brandon, this is so.. sweet of you.. really but I can't take this kind of money from you

Brandon- Callie you need to get the sink fixed, you try to act like your doing okay on your own but I know money's tight for you right now

Callie- I'm fine Brandon

Brandon- I know your fine, just let me help you

Callie- fine.. thank you, but this is just a loan okay I'm paying you back as soon as I save up the money

Brandon- okay

Brandon POV

I entered Callie's apartment it was getting late but I wanted to see her tonight. I looked in the kitchen and living room but she was nowhere.

Brandon- Callie

Callie- back here

I headed back to the bedroom, she was making the bed.

Callie- hey, give me hand with this

Brandon- okay

She tossed a sheet to me and we spread it over the bed.

Brandon- so.. did the sink get fixed?

Callie- yeah, the guy came by this afternoon and finished it

Brandon- good

Callie- here

she tossed me a pillow and we finished off making the bed. Then we sat on the bed our backs propped up against the pillows.

Callie- I think that wall over there needs something on it, like maybe a poster or a mirror.. what do you think?

Brandon- whatever you want

Callie- you know your allowed to have an opinion about it

Brandon- its not my apartment

Callie- well not technically but your pretty much over here all the time

Brandon- yeah I guess I am, except for at night

Callie- I wish you were here at night, it gets lonely..

Brandon-  I would love to be with you all the time.. but..

Callie- if you don't go home your moms will probably send out a missing persons report

Brandon- right

Callie- but.. when you turn eighteen, you could.. you know.. move in here

Brandon- really?

Callie- yeah

We started kissing. Callie touched my face and worked her hands around to the back of neck, running her finger through my hair. I ran my hands up an down her back. 

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