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Callie POV

Brandon wouldn't even look at me, I had no idea how my actions had been hurting him.

Callie- Brandon, I have never regretted anything.. not about us

I moved towards him, putting my hands on his face and making him look into my eyes.

Callie- you know that.. don't you? 

He nodded.

Callie- I love you.. okay? and I'm not going anywhere, I know I've been distant lately.. I'm sorry, this just isn't as easy as I thought it would be, you know?

Brandon- yeah.. I know

Brandon POV

I came in the apartment after work. Callie was sitting on the couch playing her guitar. I was a little surprised because she hadn't played in awhile.

Brandon- hey

Callie- hey, how was work?

Brandon- okay

I leaned down and we shared a quick kiss.

Brandon- I haven't seen you play that in awhile

Callie- I haven't seen you play much piano either

Brandon- I guess your right, we've just been busy lately

Callie- yeah well.. I was just thinking of my mom today and.. oh..

Callie stopped mid sentence and put the guitar down.

Brandon- whats wrong?

Callie- nothing.. I'm just a little dizzy

Brandon- maybe you should go to the doctor?

Callie- no I'm fine, really don't worry about it okay?

Brandon- okay, I was thinking today.. you are probably right

Callie- about what?

Brandon- about talking to my moms again

Callie- really?

Brandon- yeah, if you still want to.. I think we should call them and see if they want to sit down and talk

Callie- thank you

Callie POV

I approached the door, I felt so nervous. When I got to the door I knocked, after a minute Lena answered the door.

Lena- hi Callie

Callie- hi

Lena- come in

Callie- ah.. Stef's not here.. is she?

Lena- no, shes still at work

I came in and we sat down in th kitchen.

Lena- I was surprised you called

Callie- Brandon and I wanted to sit down and talk with you and Stef, I just wanted to talk with you first too see if you think she would agree to do that..

Lena- shes still pretty upset Callie

Callie- I know.. its just.. It was difficult for me to get Brandon to agree to even talk to his mother again and if he tries to and she shuts him down..

Lena- I understand, I've tried to talk to her but shes being pretty stubborn about this..

Callie- I know but.. there's another factor involved in this now

Lena- what factor? what are you talking about?

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