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Brandon POV

I was waiting for Callie to get out of the bathroom so I could get in to take a shower before work.

Brandon- Callie! you almost done? I'm gonna be late

Callie- yeah be right out

When she came out she looked upset.

Brandon- you okay?

Callie- yeah.. I'm gonna go make breakfast

She left the room, when I entered the bathroom I saw the pregnancy test in the garbage can. I knew now why she was upset, it was negative. After taking my shower and getting dressed I made my way to the kitchen.

Brandon- Callie..

Callie- yeah?

Brandon- I saw the pregnancy test.. 

Callie- I was gonna tell you.. I just.. 

Even though she was turned away from me I could tell she was on the verge of tears. I walked over to her and wrapped her in a hug.

Brandon- I'm sorry baby.. 

Callie- I was just so sure this time

Brandon- I know

Callie- I'm fine.. we'll just have to keep trying

Callie POV

Me and Brandon were eating dinner together later that night. I was feeling so depressed.

Brandon- Callie.. I.. I was thinking today, maybe we should start considering other options

Callie- other options?

Brandon- other ways to have a family, like adoption

Callie- no

Brandon- Callie..

Callie- I'm not talking about this Brandon

Brandon- why not? there's nothing wrong with that Callie, I mean look at my family..

Callie- is it so wrong for me to want to have a baby? your baby..

Brandon- no, of course not but.. I can't stand to watch you go through this anymore, getting your hopes up only to have them crushed after every pregnancy test

Callie- I'm fine!

Brandon- well I'm not! this is tearing us apart Callie..

Callie- don't you want a baby?

Brandon- not if it means ruining our marriage!

Callie- I gotta get out of here..

Brandon- Callie.. wait!

Callie- no, Brandon please.. I just need some space

I grabbed the car keys and drove to a nearby cafe, I sat down at a table trying to keep myself from crying. My phone kept going off with calls and texts from Brandon. I ignored them and turned my phone off. In the midst of all my emotions I realized someone was walking towards me.

Wyatt- hey

Callie- hi

Wyatt- are you alright?

Callie- no, I'm not alright..I.. my whole life is falling apart and.. I just don't know what to do anymore

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