Now It's Home

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Brandon POV

I was over at Callie's apartment once again. I spend most of my free time there now, which is hard to explain to my moms. I am constantly making excuses of where I am, which honestly is getting old. 

Callie- you know I think the couch would look better on that wall

Brandon- Callie, you do realize that's where the couch was to begin with.. you know.. before you had me move it ten times

Callie- I know.. I'm sorry

I shoved the couch over to the wall and then collapsed on it. Callie came over and sat next to me on the couch.

Brandon- I am so tired

Callie- oh.. come on, your not that bad off

Brandon- this place is really starting to come together

Callie- yeah, it's starting to feel like home

Brandon- well I have something else that might help with that

I reached around the side of the couch and held a bag out in front of her, she took it from me.

Callie- what is it?

Brandon- open it

Callie POV

I slowly opened the bag and pulled out an assortment of picture frames, each one with a different photo in it. I looked at the first one it was a picture of me and Jude together, another held a picture of the whole family together. The last picture was one of me and Brandon together, it was taken at Stef and Lena's wedding. 

Callie- I love it.. thank you 

I leaned in gave him a soft kiss and hugged him.

Callie- this will really make it feel like home now

Brandon had to leave shortly after that, I walked around the room positioning the photos in special places. I placed all of them in the living room then just sat down and took a minute to look around the space. I heard a knock on the door and went to answer it. I wasn't really sure who to expect since Brandon just left. I opened the door and saw Stef and Lena standing there, they could tell I was taken off guard by them being there.

Callie- hi

Lena- hi Callie

Stef- can we come in?

Callie- oh yeah, sorry.. come in

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