Truth Unveiled

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Brandon POV

Brandon- why are you here?

Stef- you didn't come home last night, you wouldn't answer my calls!

Brandon- I texted you to let you know I was okay

Stef- that's not good enough! I don't care how angry you are, there is no excuse

Brandon- I'm sorry

Lena- we were worried Brandon

Brandon- I didn't want to worry you I just.. needed some space

Stef- well your grounded Brandon, and your not going to be coming over here everyday anymore

Callie came out of the bedroom.

Brandon- this isn't about leaving the house last night, your just using this as an excuse to try and keep us apart

Stef- this isn't just about last night Brandon, we know everything..

Brandon- everything?

Lena- about the piano lessons Brandon, your teacher called us..

Callie- what.. what are they talking about?

Brandon- I..

Stef- I think we would all like to hear Brandon

Callie- whats going on?

Brandon- I stopped going to piano lessons a few weeks ago

Callie- why?

Brandon- I kept the money my dad was giving me

Lena- Brandon what did you do with the money?

I could see on Callie's face she knew exactly what I had done. She knew that the money I had given her to fix the sink was practically stolen.

Callie POV

I went back in the bedroom and started making the bed. I just needed something to do to get my anger out. Brandon followed me into the room.

Brandon- Callie.. I'm sorry

Callie- I can't believe you did this!

Brandon- I know it was wrong I just.. I wanted to help you

Callie- there are other ways to help me, how are we supposed to convince your family that we're serious about each other when you do things like this!

Brandon- whether you admit it or not, you needed that money Callie..

Callie- I would have sold away everything in this apartment before I took money that was stolen!

Brandon- that's why I didn't tell you!

Callie- you lied to me! you lied right here in this bed with me last night.. knowing that you'd..

Brandon- I just wanted to take care of you

Callie- well I can take care of myself, tell your dad I'll get the money back as soon as I can

Brandon- how are you gonna do that?

Callie- I'll figure something out

Brandon- Callie

He moved towards me trying to wrap his arms around me but I backed away.

Callie- you should go..

Brandon- what does this mean.. for us?

Callie- I just think we need some time away from each other

Brandon- okay

Brandon left the room, after a few minutes I heard the apartment door close and I knew he and his moms had left now too.  

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