Accept It

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Brandon POV

I was rushing around in a hurry to get to Callie's.

Brandon- mom have you seen my keys?

Stef- I think there on the table

Brandon- thanks

I grabbed them and started heading out the door before mom stopped me.

Stef- wait! where are you going?

Brandon- Callie's

Stef- Brandon its getting late

Brandon- since when is my curfew seven thirty?

Stef- since when do you talk to me like this?

Brandon- whats the problem?

Stef- I just think.. your spending to much time over at Callie's lately

Brandon- she's my girlfriend..

Stef- well it would be nice for you to be home one night this week, don't you have homework?

Brandon- I already did it, why do you have such a problem with Callie?

Stef- I don't have  a problem with Callie..

Brandon- no you just have a problem with us being together..

Stef- Brandon..

Brandon- you and everyone else are going to have to accept this eventually because Callie's not going anywhere

I turned to leave again.

Stef- Brandon! you not leaving this house

I walked out the door regardless of her threats.

Callie POV

Callie- so what exactly was the fight about?

Brandon- my mom didn't want me to come over here, she thinks I'm spending to much time here

Callie- so you just left anyways..

Brandon- it was a really bad fight Callie

Callie- so what are you gonna do?

Brandon- I just think we need some space for this to blow over, can I crash here tonight?

Callie- sure but.. what about your moms?

Brandon- I'll tell them I'm staying with a friend

Callie- yeah, they will never believe that.. they'll know your here

Brandon- probably.. but I'm still not going home, not tonight at least

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