Well Being

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Callie POV

I woke up, my eyes blurred at first then focused in. I didn't know where I was, it was quiet with slight noise in the distance. I moved my hand and felt Brandon's head resting on the edge of the bed.

Callie- Brandon..

Brandon's head flew up, he held my hand.

Brandon- hey..how you feeling?

Callie- where am I? what happened?

Brandon- honey.. your in the hospital

Callie- why? what happened?

Brandon- you don't remember.. you were at the apartment, a neighbor found you on the floor

Callie- oh.. someone broke in

Brandon- do you know who it was?

Callie- no.. I tried to get out, he threw me against the wall.. I must have blacked out

Brandon- your okay now..

Callie- the baby! is my baby okay?

Brandon- sh.. the baby's fine

Callie- oh.. thank God

Brandon POV

I rested on the couch at my moms house. The apartment was a mess, Callie didn't want to go back there until the repairs were taken care of. Luckily moms offered to let us stay with them for a few days, mom was at the hospital with Callie now. I had been there for 24 hours straight while they were keeping Callie under observation, mom finally convinced me to get some rest while she stayed with Callie.

Stef- Brandon!

I turned my head and saw mom coming through the door with Callie.

Brandon- hey, I thought you were supposed to stay in the hospital for another day

Stef- yeah well Callie had other ideas..

Callie- I can recover better at home, I hate hospitals

Brandon- here, I'll help you upstairs..

I took Callie upstairs and helped her into bed then sat on the bed next to her.

Brandon- the landlord said the apartment would be repaired in a few days so..

Callie- I.. I don't think I can go back there Brandon, live there again after what happened

Brandon- okay.. then we can look for another apartment

Callie- maybe we should look for an apartment in New York

Brandon- New York? but I thought you said..

Callie- I've been thinking about it a lot and.. I think you should take that job offer

Brandon- really? are you sure about this?

Callie- yeah it will be good.. for all of us

I put my hand on her growing belly and felt a small kick.

Callie- did you feel that?

Brandon- yeah..

Callie- the baby just kicked..

Brandon- I think it thinks New York is a good idea too..

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